Walt Secord sends Chanukah greetings

November 27, 2017 by J-Wire Staff
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A Chanukah message from the Deputy Leader of Opposition in NSW Walt Secord…

Walt Secord

I am very pleased to have the opportunity to once again wish all my friends in the NSW Jewish community – a Happy Chanukah.

From Tuesday December 12 at sunset until December 20 at sunset, the Australian Jewish community will mark Chanukah – the Festival of Lights.

The festival is a joyful time, where families, friends and communities come together to mark the liberation of the Jewish people, and the miracle of the oil that burned for eight consecutive nights.

With the lighting of each candle on the menorah, we renew our  celebrations of the triumph of light over darkness, freedom over oppression and good over evil.

It is a time to acknowledge the heroism of those who are fighting, and in the past have fought, against injustice.

It is also a time to reflect on all people suffering due to natural disasters or human folly and evil, as we hope the lights of the candles will help illuminate pathways to compassion and resilience.

In times of uncertainty it is imperative that society will find the light within and bring warmth to all of those around us.

The flame illuminates and warms not only the individual lighting it – but also those in its path.

It is also a wonderful opportunity  to reflect on the rich tapestry of cultures and faiths in NSW. May we continue to be home to people of all backgrounds living and working peacefully side by side!

Let us each spread our warmth, and our light, by setting an example of tolerance, peace and goodwill towards all. 

As the Deputy Leader of the Labor Opposition in the NSW Legislative Council  and the deputy chair of the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Israel, I wish all Jewish community members a Happy Chanukah.

Chag Sameach

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