Volunteer group Guardian Angels patrols Brooklyn after antisemitic attacks

January 1, 2020 by JNS
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A private, volunteer-based and unarmed crime prevention group said it would patrolling parts of Brooklyn, N.Y. on Sunday following a string of antisemitic attacks in the borough.

Curtis Sliwa, who founded Guardian Angels in New York City in 1979. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Curtis Sliwa, who founded Guardian Angels in New York City in 1979, said patrols would start in Crown Heights and expand to Williamsburg and Borough Park later in the day.

Hours earlier, on Saturday night, five people were stabbed in an attack at a Hanukkah event in Monsey, N.Y.

There has been a total of eight attacks on Jews in Brooklyn since Dec. 13, according to police. On Friday, a woman slapped three females in Brooklyn and told police officers it was because they were Jewish. Other incidents involved victims being hit in the face, the head and the back of the head, as well as at least one having a beverage thrown at them, police said.

Sliwa said local leaders of the Lubavitch Hasidic movement asked for assistance from his group and he believes Guardian Angels can stop the violence. He said, “We’re a visual deterrence in our red berets and our red satin jackets. Nobody’s going to commit an attack when we’re around.” If they do, he added, “We’ll physically restrain the persons responsible, make a citizen’s arrest and hold them until the police arrive.”

“These attacks are taking place, and the cops have not been proactive at all,” Sliwa said Saturday. “It comes from City Hall and the mayor. He’s been just apathetic.”



One Response to “Volunteer group Guardian Angels patrols Brooklyn after antisemitic attacks”
  1. Adrian Jackson says:

    These Americans private army/para military types came to Melbourne a decade or so ago thinking they were needed and could do a better job than Victoria Police. They were gone within a few weeks as no one was interested in them.

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