Victoria Parliamentary Friends of Israel condemn violence

July 21, 2014 by  
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The Victorian Parliamentary Friends of Israel condemns the recent violence that has left many men, women, and children dead and injured in both Gaza and Israel.A document co-signed by David Southwick MP and Marsha Thomson MP  Co-Convenors of the Parliamentary Friends of  Israel


David Southwick

David Southwick

“The Hamas terrorist organisation and its kindred groups in Gaza are responsible for starting and perpetuating this latest round of violence.

No government can be expected to stand idly by while the lives of its citizens are being threatened and disrupted by terrorists indiscriminately firing rockets at them.

If rockets were to rain on Australian cities and towns, as they have been in Israel, we would expect our government to act.

The Government of Israel is justified in taking action to protect its own people. The many precautions the Israeli government takes to protect innocent bystanders in Gaza has to be acknowledged.

They should be commended for their willingness to support a ceasefire.

The only way forward for a true and lasting peace is for both sides to demonstrate a willingness to work together and to negotiate for a permanent peace. This cannot occur until Hamas renounces violence and accepts Israel’s right to exist. Palestinians must accept Israel as a Jewish state and its right to exist in peace.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas supports the ceasefire and in that respect he is acting in the true interests of Palestinians and working to halt the violence.

In contrast, Hamas’ priority is to cause chaos and terror in Israel, deliberately putting the lives of the people of Gaza in harm’s way.

Under these circumstances, there is no partner for Israel to negotiate with.

We join the people of Israel, the people of Gaza, and all humanity in calling and end to the current round of hostilities.”

Matthew Guy

Matthew Guy

The Victorian Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Matthew Guy announced:  “The Victorian Government is deeply concerned by the escalation of conflict in Israeli and Palestinian territories and holds strong hopes for a peaceful resolution to this situation.

I am profoundly saddened by the recent tragedies that have occurred, and I extend my deepest sympathies to the families and relatives of everyone who has been affected.

The Victorian Government believes that Diplomacy is the way forward on this issue and that a peaceful solution must be found.

I also want to be clear that Israel has the right to defend herself.

During this difficult time, the Victorian Government is committed to supporting all our communities and our thoughts and prayers are with those whose family and friends are caught up in these events.

All Victorians must respect each other and we are fortunate to live in a State where everyone has the right to express their culture, religion and heritage without fear or prejudice. We are proud of our reputation for harnessing the many benefits of multiculturalism to make our community stronger.

It is up to all of us to work together to ensure we continue to maintain a cohesive and peaceful society.”



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