Two Lives Seeking Precious Gift

March 11, 2011 by Henry Benjamin
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A 12 month old baby girl in New York and a 12 year-old boy in Israel are seeking the most precious gift the world has to offer…life.

Ayelet Galena

Or Yosepov

Finding a stem cell/bone marrow match for Ayelet Galena in New York and   12-yr-old Gilo resident Or Yosepov are targets being set over 12 days by the Gift of Life.

Yehuda Kaplan who is co-ordinating the Melbourne project to find matches to save these two young lives told J-Wire: “I can identify with the urgency of the situation. In 1992, I myself was on the list of hopeful recipients…but I was lucky. Somehow things turned around and I am now completely cured. But for these two children, the future looks grim unless we can pull off another miracle.”

In Israel, more than 20,000 members of the public have submitted samples for testing to find the rare match that will save a life.

Kaplan added: “The samples are sent to a lab in Maryland for testing. It’s a huge job and a bvery nervous waiting game…and now it’s Australia’s turn to bring hope to these kids.”

Testing will take place in Sydney  this Sunday at the Nefesh Synagogue in Roscoe St, Bondi and on March 22 at the Merkos Women’s Learning Centre in Springfield Ave, East St Kilda.

Kaplan added: “The more difficult it is to find a match, the more important it becomes to get donors from diverse backgrounds.”

Find a minute. It may save a life.

For more information contact Yehuda Kaplan on 0425 724314

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