Tom Goldman elected vice-president of Maccabi World Union

July 18, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Sydney Maccabi stawlwart Tom Goldman has been elected one of  three Vice Presidents of Maccabi World Union.

Tom Goldman

Tom Goldman    Photo: Henry Benjamin

Goldman, a Maccabi Australia Life Member and Chair of the Board of Governors, is one of four Australians to have received appointments to the MWU. The election took place At the recent 27th Maccabi World Union Congress in Israel.

Goldman’s appointment recognizes the high esteem that Maccabi Australia officials have on the global stage. Not since David Grace QC in 1998 has there been an Australian elected as a Vice President.

Goldman told J-Wire: “It is an honour to be elected by my peers in the Global Maccabi Movement. I regard it as recognition of not only my work in Maccabi World Union but as recognition for the role that Maccabi Australia has in the world of Maccabi. “

Harry Procel has been appointed as Chair of the International Sports Committee. This committee guides the rules, principles and implementation of the sports conducted at the Maccabiah. Harry has been a committee member of the ISC since its inception in 1998.

Harry Procel

Harry Procel

Procel told J-Wire: ‘I am delighted to be the first Australian to Chair the International sports committee of the 20 th Maccabiah Games. With a Committee of 15 internationals we take the responsibility of safeguarding the sports, venues, categories, referees and competition of the entire 20 th Maccabiah which has grown into the 3rd largest sporting event in the World.

It is a role that my committee and I take very seriously given that the Sport is at the very core of the Maccabiah.’

Lisa Borowick

Lisa Borowick

President of Maccabi Australia, Lisa Borowick has been appointed the Chair of the International Finance Committee. Lisa has been acting in this role for the past two MWU Plenums, but has now been appointed officially for the next 4 years. Lisa has also been appointed to the general committee of the International Sports Committee (ISC).

Tom Danos has been appointed to the Maccabi World Union Court of Honor. Tom will also continue with his roles on the Maccabi World Union Board of Trustees.

Leo Dan Bensky from Finland was formally elected to the position of President, having been the Acting President since the untimely passing of Guiora Esrubilsky late last year. Yair Hamburger remains the Chairman of Maccabi World Union, looking to fulfill his vision into his second term. Leo’s term will be marked by his willingness to collaborate and maintain mutual dialogue in the running and shaping of Maccabi World Union (MWU).
A spokesperson for Maccabi Australia said: “Maccabi Australia congratulates its hard working volunteers who have now been appointed to these key positions within Maccabi World Union.”

Toni Wortman from the USA and Daniel Belinky from Argentina are Goldman’s felllow vice-presidents.

Executive Director of  The Executive Council of Australian Jewry Peter Wertheim said: “Mazel tov to Tom Goldman, Harry Procel, Lisa Borowick and Tom Danos on their well-deserved appointments”



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