The Shuk – ZFA program options for 2015

May 13, 2014 by Hayley Hadassin
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The biggest Israel Programs Fair ever held in Australia is heading to Sydney and Melbourne. ‘The Shuk’ will showcase a wide range of gap year, study abroad, post-university and volunteer experiences for young adults aged 18-30.

Preparing for the Shuk

Preparing for the Shuk

It is a fantastic opportunity to meet program organisers and alumni as well as learn about the incredible funding opportunities available.

It is a chance for young adults to gain invaluable life and professional experience. Internships with Google, Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and working as a journalist for the Jerusalem Post are just some opportunities that can provide life changing results.

Zionist Federation of Australia President Dr Danny Lamm says: – “The ZFA are proud to play a central role in sending over 750 young Australian Jews on Israel programs each year. Participants return to Israel with a greater world and political perspective, more motivated and inspired than when they left and with a stronger sense of personal and Jewish identity.”

To be a Masa Teaching Fellow offers exceptional Jewish university graduates an opportunity to address Israel’s educational achievement gap on a 10 month English teaching, service learning program. The program is highly subsidised reducing the cost to US $1000.

Israel Program Coordinator, Tanya Strusberg says “Many people are unaware of the incredible diversity of the programs available through Masa Israel, as well as the extremely generous grants and scholarships available. We hope that these fairs will help raise awareness of the amazing opportunities that are available for young Jewish adults.”

Caden Feldman-Gubbay went to Israel in 2013 he said – “Shnat was a journey in equal parts challenging and comforting – it afforded me both the great responsibility and strength one inherits after truly understanding what it means to be a member of Am Yisrael.’’

The ZFA invite you to explore the many prospects with a large number of programs bringing out representatives from Israel and if that’s not enough there are great prizes to be won including a $500 travel voucher from FBI Travel!

Find the dates in your state:-

MELBOURNE: Sunday 25 May, 11am-1pm. Beth Weizmann Community Centre. 306 Hawthorn Rd, Caulfield South

SYDNEY: Sunday 1 June, 11am-1pm. Shalom Institute, Shalom College UNSW. Barker St, Kensington


One Response to “The Shuk – ZFA program options for 2015”
  1. Lorna Berger says:

    I thought you meant the Shuk Restaurant in Bondi 🙂 I thought “how cool”!!!

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