The New JNF

May 17, 2012 by J-Wire Staff
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The Jewish National Fund NSW is planning to promote the organisation’s involvement in environmental issues within Israel…activities which will enhance the tree-planting which is the bedrock of JNF.

Alex Abulafia (Pres) Ygal Shapir (Exec Dir), Royal (Treas) Alan Greenstein (Vice-Pres) and Gary Vidor (Sec)

At this week’s AGM executive director Ygal Shapir outlined the environmental projects which have already been completed highlighting the enormous progress made in water conservation and filtration.

President Alex Abulafia responded to a question from the meeting about the progress the JNF has made in its work in enhancing the environment saying that the marketing arm was already planning to show the Australian Jewish community the new face of JNF.

In his report Shapir said:

“It’s a good opportunity to take a pause, from the daily sometime tedious work, and appreciate the results: the projects.

Ygal Shapir discusses a project

Projects which were in the pipe-line, cultivated and dedicated during year 2011.

The range of the projects gives an indication to the huge impact we create on the ground, and remember there are about 40 KKL offices around the world doing the same, different scale and in different languages. We take a major role in making the Ben Gurion vision become a reality.

So, there is a story to tell – on the very wide base of land reclamation, forestry and water solutions, we have now all the environmental projects which support communities in the rural areas and improve their standard of living, attracting more people to come and live there.

Ygal Shapir and Alex Abulafia congratulate Jack Kameras (holding award)

Would we be in the commercial business we could say we definitely have a great range of top products.

As we have so much to tell, we understand we have to be active and convey the massage. This is accomplished during  the year but mainly through the November Major Campaign. This includes reports to donors and supporters about specific projects, in the most transparent way possible.”

Ygal Shapir, Sheila Fisher and Alex Abulafia all pix: Henry Benjamin

President Alex Abulafia talked about his vision for the future…

He asked and answered: “What is so special about the JNF? Here are our strong points…emotional and physical connection to the ‘Land’ and People of Israel

Giving to the JNF is giving to the ‘Land’ of Israel. By supporting JNF you are building a real connection between your life in Sydney/NSW and giving ‘life to the Land’ of Israel.

JNF helps create a sustainable environment in Israel by providing reforestation, water supplies and restoring deteriorating and non productive land into fertile, arable land for farming. This results in the development of sustainable communities and infrastructure for populating Israel.

Speaking about the JNF heritage, Abulafia added: “Established in 1901, some 47 years prior to the declaration of Israel as an autonomous State, the JNF has over 110 years of successful achievements for the homeland of Israel that now includes 4th and 5th generation supporters.

JNF is not a charity, rather it is a long standing, successful partnership of the Jewish people for the Jewish people and their homeland. Since its inception JNF has been the instrument that has made and continues to make Israel a ‘living’ reality.”

Presentations were made to Jack Kameras, a former NSW treasurer and bookkeeper and to Sheila Fisher for her contribution in running the Seniors’ group.

Due to a change in the constitution, the existing Board continues for another year.


6 Responses to “The New JNF”
  1. Paul Winter says:

    The JNF developed land it purchased at exorbitant prices from Arabs who had neglected neglected it through ineptitude and laziness. It is funded by money raised by Jews, so its responsibility is to Jews and it is dedicated to building the Jewish state. It has developed techniques which have benefitted humanity world-wide.

    So Ben, what have the Arabs done other than perfecting airplane hijackings, suicide bombings and polluting the water tables in Judea and Samaria?

    In your reply to Otto, you said you were “hoping for a stimulating debate”, Ben, there is no debate with you; facts don’t enter your mind and you do nothing other than spout anti-Israel slogans. The stimulation that you provide is not cerebral but gastric.

    Lastly, your persistent addressing of other posters by their surnames without an honorific like Mr, Mrs, etc, is ignorant and/or deliberately offensive.

  2. Shirlee says:

    Really Benny!!

    You have to get your nose out of the gutter… oops press.

    Benny boy, relying on such dubious sources as the Guardian, Ha’aretz, ‘Stop the JNF’, and more, does you no credit.

    What you quote is ONLY CLAIMED, not fact. Try reliable sources next time

    “”David Cameron has stepped down as a patron of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in a move pro-Palestinian campaigners claim is a result of pressure but which Downing Street insists is part of a general review of the prime minister’s charity connections.

    The JNF was only one of a number of charities from which Cameron stepped down, said Downing St.””

    David Cameron is a friend and supporter of Israel.

    • Ben says:

      Hello Shirlee

      Thank you for the ad hominem patronising and abuse. I am ready to debate facts with you> you can have a honest, factual and principled debate or indulge in smear, slander, abuse and inmidation that are the halmarks of Zionist hasbara.

      What is on open display here is the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of Zionists.

  3. Typing without his glasses on, not to mention sehel, “Ben” is right again.
    JNF can be proud of great achievements on the ground in Israel and also one other, outside Israel, managing to get rid of someone, Cameron for instance, who, obviously, does not belong in its circle of friends. Incidentally, let’s start a cute competition titled: ” Wher does “Ben” belong ?” Entries invited.

    • Ben says:

      Hello Waldman. Tut, Tut, such intellectual and moral emptiness. I was hoping for a stimulating debate based on facts and evidence. A few names and slander and the reservois of intellect are exhausted.

  4. Ben says:

    Tree planting is not the bedrock of JNF. Acquiring land is – and acquiring land for exclusive Jewish use. The JNF has built its “environmental parks” over demolished Palestinian villages and is in the process of helping disposs the bedoins in the Negev to make way for exclusive settlements. British prime minister David cameron had to withdrwa as chief patron of the JNF after its aparthied policies had become an emabrassment – the first time in 104 years that a british prime minister has not held the post.

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