The New Israel Fund and the Coalition of Women for Peace

May 25, 2011 Agencies
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The reported support of the NIF for the CWP which advocates boycotts against Israel is an issue demanding clarification. J-Wire has received the following statement from the New Israel Fund….



One Response to “The New Israel Fund and the Coalition of Women for Peace”
  1. seth gerev says:

    i guess it begs the question – how many “clerical errors” has the NIF made in dsitributing its funds? maybe $100 to an anti-Israel organization is not a ‘big deal’ (or $100 to an organization not approved for 2 years to receive money but given it anyway? someone signed the check. somone approved it, etc.) and how many clerical errors of $10,000 are there? What will it take for NIF to be more transparent and not blame others for their own mistakes?

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