The new fence

June 30, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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Israel’s Security Cabinet has adopted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposal to begin work on an approximately 30-kilometer long section of security fence along the State of Israel’s eastern border, from Eilat to the site designated for the Timna airport.

The Security Cabinet also approved the necessary allocation of resources for building the section of fence.

Artist's impression of Timna Airport

Artist’s impression of Timna Airport

The Government of Israel is in contact with the Government of Jordan and emphasizes that the construction of this section of security fence is being carried out on the Israeli side of the border. The fence will not, in any way, infringe on the sovereignty of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and its national interests, which will be respected.

Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking yesterday at the start of a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, referred to the foregoing decision:

“Yesterday in the Security Cabinet, we made a very important decision to continue a section of fence along our southern border, this time from Eilat, 30 kilometers north to past the Timna airport that is under construction. This is important. It is part of our national security. It joins the fence that we built along the length of our border with Sinai, which blocked the entry of illegal migrants into Israel and – of course – the various terrorist movements. This step also joins the fence that we built on our border on the Golan Heights.

I would like to make it clear that this fence will be entirely within the territory of the State of Israel. It will not, in any way, infringe on the sovereignty of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and its national interests.

I think that this is a very important step. I am also pleased that the members of the Security Cabinet approved the sources of financing.”

The Ilan and Assaf Ramon Airport in Timna, also known as Timna Airport, will be an international airport replacing the Eilat and Ovda airports. Timna Airport will be used as an additional international airport for both domestic and international flights.

The deadline set by the Israel Airports Authority (IAA) for the completion of the project is the end of 2016. Test runs, authorisation and operation periods are to commence by mid-2017.

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