The funeral of Rabbi Brian Fox: Where were the orthodox rabbis?

January 10, 2020 by  
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The funeral service for Rabbi Brian Fox was attended by over 300 people including past and present communal leaders.

In the many tributes given about Rabbi Fox, much was made of his ardent work in interfaith and intrafaith relationships. It was, therefore, with much sadness I observed the noticeable absence of any representatives of the orthodox rabbinate. How sad a reflection it is on them that they chose to ignore the passing of one of their colleagues because he had a different perspective on our religion to theirs.
Alan Slade
Dover Heights NSW 2030

Editor’s note:  Our reader is correct in his observation of the absence of orthodox rabbis at the Emanuel Synagogue. However, Rabbi Moshe Gutnick was at the graveside for the entire service as Rabbi Fox was buried.Rabbi Gutnick, is a former President of both Rabbinical Council of Australia and New Zealand and Rabbinical Council of NSW. When asked he told J-Wire “while it is well known that we were diametrically opposed on theological issues, there was always mutual respect between us especially in relation to his communal activism but more importantly as fellow Jews. I came to show respect to him, his family and his colleagues.”


One Response to “The funeral of Rabbi Brian Fox: Where were the orthodox rabbis?”
  1. Yossi Barak says:

    Wondering how Rabbi Gutnick stood at the graveside as he is a Cohen?

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