The Shtick
“The SHTICK” is a 30 minute television program, screened three times weekly on Melbourne Community Channel 31.
It is a showcase of humour, music, interviews, community events, information and entertainment from within the wider Jewish community and offers an opportunity to have a valuable link to their culture.
As the face of the Jewish community on TV, and online, The Shtick provides an on-screen arena for Jewish talent, a link for youth and an insight into local Jewish life, organisations and personalities.
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Henry Greener’s The Shtick presents Sandra Dubs introducing Kate Jenkins, the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commissioner, speaking at the The Jewish Community Council of Victoria’s Annual General Meeting…a J-Wire video presentation. [Read more]
Newt’s News: Suicide Vs Hope is a segment covering current events including the Attacks in Paris, excerpts of Bibi Netanyahu, Malcolm Turnbull, Ehud Yaari, Dennis Prager and Shmuley Boteach with Issues such as the AJDS Climate Rally and Domestic Violence with White Ribbon Day being mentioned. A video report. [Read more]
The Shir Madness Music Festival comes to Melbourne in September. Henry Greener talks to organisers Deborah Conway and Willy Zygier. [Read more]
Dr Philip Mendes talks to The Shtick’s Henry Greener expanding on the content and issues surrounding the BDS Movement, pointing out that other countries should be boycotted for real war crimes and human rights violations. [Read more]
What is Beit Rafael in Melbourne? Shimon Allen and Ephraim Finch explain what it is to The Shtick’s Henry Greener. [Read more]
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