The $6 million Blue Box Queen

May 23, 2014 by Henry Benjamin
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NSW Jewish Blue Box  Queen Salome Woods has been honoured by having her name inscribed in the JNF Golden Book in Israel to mark 30 years of service with the Jewish National Fund.

Marcus Einfeld and Alan Vidor

Marcus Einfeld and Alan Vidor

National president Peter Smaller told yesterday’s AGM at Sydney’s JewishCare that the Australian Blue Box Campaigns are “the best in the world” and NSW vice-president Alan Greenstein said that Salome Woods had headed a division which had raised $6,316, 040.06 between 2006 and 2013.

Smaller told the meeting that the JNF is the oldest environmental organisation in the world and has operated since 1901 “improving the land”.  He added: “We have planted 250 million trees and pushed the Negeve back 40 kms plus  developed water plants which have allowed the establishment of new communities.”

Israel is the world leader in the field of water recycling . 80% of its waste water. Spain harvests 20%.

JNF NSW headed by president Alex Abulafia is the star performed in the JNF Australia family headed by Alex Abulafia and operates under the watchful eye of Israeli executive director Ygal Shapir,

Alan Greenstein,  Rbert Emanuel and Ygal Shapir

Alan Greenstein, Rbert Emanuel and Ygal Shapir

Smaller concluded by saying that JNF Australia is the largest per capita donor in the world and second only to the USA in gross contributions

Alan Greenstein said W”e are satisfied with our achievements. We have 8-10 projects in work at any given time.”

He made a special point of thanking the volunteers

Treasurer David Royal said that costs had been held at 12%

Ygal Shapir outlined all the current projects over the last three years highlighting that that the people to people connection was invaluable.

The Sydney Einfeld Memorial Award was presented JewishCare by Marcus Einfeld and accepted by JewishCare president Alan Vidor. Einfeld’s father president had created the Jewish Welfare Society, arranging and  organising the migration of Holocaust survivors.

Peter Smaller, Alan Greenstein, Salome Woods and Ygal Shapir

Peter Smaller, Alan Greenstein, Salome Woods and Ygal Shapir

Einfeld said that his mother worked in the JNF office ay a time when Zionism was not popular.

He emphasised that JNF does “this phenomenal work without politics” adding that “anti Semitism is on the rise around the world even in places where there almost no Jews”

Robert Emanuel  was presented with awards as Blue Box collector of the year both in NSW and nationally.

The meeting finished with the presentation to Salome Woods who Smaller described as running for JNF “the best Blue Box organisation in the world”

“She is the Blue Box in NSW. Pennies in the pushka is alive and well thanks to Salome” he added.

Alan Greenstein  said “she motivates her volunteers and doesn’t take no for an answer.”

There were no changes to the Board.


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