Telling Israel’s story

November 13, 2015 by Eileen Freed
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Zionism Victoria, in partnership with the Zionist Federation of Australia, will present the Public Diplomacy Toolkit: Triumphs, Bloopers & What Can I Do, an interactive presentation by Michael Lawrence later this month.

Michael Lawrence

Michael Lawrence

Telling Israel’s story often seems daunting, especially in the face of media bias and particularly when Israel is under attack and must respond both internally and on the world stage. What can be learned from some of the best, better and bothersome broadcast responses by Israeli spokespersons?

Israeli expert on public diplomacy, Michael Lawrence will provide engaging and interactive analysis of some of the highlights and lowlights of Israel’s public diplomacy efforts with an eye toward understanding what has worked and learning from what has not. Participants will develop tools for effectively communicating Israel’s narrative and will learn practical tactics and tips to speak on Israel’s behalf.

Raised in New Zealand, Lawrence made Aliyah in 2000 and is a leading facilitator and speaker on Israel and the Middle East. A gifted coach in the field of Israel Public Diplomacy, he has held leading positions with, among others, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Koby Mandell Foundation and, most recently, the American Joint Distribution Committee. He has given seminars to groups ranging from gap year students to AIJAC study tours. He has created curricula and appeared at conferences and on media broadcasts worldwide.

The event will be held on Monday 30 November, 8:00pm at Beth Weizmann Community Centre.

The session entry fee is $10/$5 for students. Register at Zionism Victoria, 9272 5544 or

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