Sydney Yeshiva says “no connection with LA organisation sheltering alleged paedophile”

April 10, 2013 by J-Wire Staff
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Sydney Yeshiva say they have no connection with the Los Angeles welfare organisation reported to be sheltering a Los Angeles resident once associated with the Bondi community and  alleged to be a paedophile .

Rabbi Eli Feldman    Photo: Henry Benjamin

Rabbi Eli Feldman Photo: Henry Benjamin

Media reports that the “self-confessed” paedophile is being protected by the the LA-based Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles and that board members were aware of the situation as recently as 2011. The incidents said to have taken place in Sydney occurred in the 1980s.

Rabbi Eli Feldman told J-Wire that nothing had changed since the Yeshiva’s last statement in which they said they were co-operating fully with police. “As this an issue currently under investigation, we are following police instructions and making no comments. Today’s revelations may throw a new angle on the story, but the it refers to a matter already under investigation and in the hands of the authorities with whom we are fully co-operating. We have no connection with this Californian organisation.”

He added that Sydney Yeshiva sticks by its previous statements which are repeated below…

“Sydney Yeshiva Centre, founded in 1956, has educated thousands of students over the years to be proud of their Jewish identity whilst becoming contributing and patriotic members of Australian society.

As part of a commitment to the highest standards of care for our pupils, our school Yeshiva College has comprehensive child protection policies in place. Those policies and procedures are constantly being reviewed and updated to ensure maximum safety and protection for our students.

Yeshiva treats its its child welfare responsibilities with the utmost care and has always endeavored to comply in full with all its legal and moral child safety obligations.

Yeshiva unequivocally condemns any form of abuse, including child sexual abuse and welcomes any police investigation to uncover and prosecute against such crimes.

Yeshiva representatives recently initiated a high level meeting with the Police to discuss an investigation into historical allegations of child abuse.

The Police have informed Yeshiva representatives that media speculation could endanger the success of their investigation. It is therefore inappropriate for us to comment on any of these matters, so as not to jeopardize the Police investigation.

We encourage victims or any person who has information that may assist with this investigation to contact Bondi Detectives at Eastern Suburbs Local Area Command on 9365-9699 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

We are confident in the outstanding competence and professionalism of the Australian authorities to ensure the protection and welfare of citizens in our society.

Yeshiva stands ready to work together with the relevant law enforcement authorities and professional support services. We are also available to offer assistance and support to any victim of abuse allegedly committed by any persons associated with the Yeshiva Centre. Requests for support can be emailed confidentially to”.



One Response to “Sydney Yeshiva says “no connection with LA organisation sheltering alleged paedophile””
  1. David says:

    The Fairfax press has found its true home in the tabloid sphere. Run a story on rumor, listen to one side only, and above all “don’t confuse the reporter (I aologise for using the term here… Perpaps I should say ‘self described reporter’ with any old fashioned boring FACTS”

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