Swastikas on Bondi

August 11, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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Fifteen swastikas have daubed on electricity boxes, bus stops and poles in Campbell Parade…the thoroughfare facing Sydney’s iconic Bondi Beach.

Swastikas Photo: NSW Police NSW

Swastikas Photo: NSW Police NSW

Waverley Council mayor Sally Betts has told J-Wire: “Dedicated graffiti teams have removed them.   Fortunately the police have been advised.  We will not tolerate racism in Waverley.”

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies chief executive Vic Alhadeff condemned the smearing as a “hate crime. This is an affront to all the citizens of Bondi. It’s offensive to Jewish people everywhere and it’s offensive to Australians everywhere. There is no place for such bigotry in our country. Just yesterday an unprecedented coalition of 35 ethnic leaders came together to urge the state government to strengthen our race-hate laws.  That show of community harmony is what we’re about – not this act of bigotry.”

Bondi is within the federal electorate of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.  Australia’s leader said: “We are the most successful multicultural society in the world today, founded on mutual respect. We should have zero tolerance for racism.

I was appalled to hear of the antisemitic graffiti in Bondi. This is a vicious attempt to intimidate and insult the Jewish community and seeks to undermine the harmony of all Australians. This hateful vandalism has absolutely no place in our society, and those responsible should be held accountable.

Every Australian – no matter what their religious faith or country of origin – has a right to feel included and respected.”

The NSW Attorney-General Gabrielle Upton whose electorate Vaucluse includes Bondi added: “I am appalled that Bondi Beach, our local beach, was defaced with swastika symbols and racist graffiti overnight.

Bondi Beach is known the world over as a place where people from all walks of life can come and enjoy the wonderful natural beauty of Sydney.

Everybody deserves to feel safe at home and in their community and this kind of racially motivated damage will not be tolerated.”

Police are appealing for information. Officers from Eastern Suburbs Local Command attended and located approximately 15 swastika symbols drawn in black permanent marker on the footpath, bus shelter, poles, benches and electrical boxes, as well as other graffiti.

Eastern Suburbs Local Area Commander, Superintendent Box said, “The NSW Police Force takes crimes that are motivated by hatred or prejudice very seriously and any such crimes will not be tolerated. If you are a witness or victim, and you experience any incidents such as this, we encourage you to report to police as soon as possible”.

Anyone with information is urged to come forward and contact Waverley Police Station on 9369 9899, or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.


4 Responses to “Swastikas on Bondi”
  1. Adrian Jackson says:

    It could simply be that the taggers do not like the messages about transport closures in the sign.

    • Erica Edelman says:

      Well I suppose that makes it ok, then, does it?
      What is your point Adrian Jackson?
      No amount of explanation/excuse-telling or making makes it acceptable
      We all know what and which symbols should and should not be placed in the
      Garbage bin of (racist ) history
      Boofheads of This type deserve an extra plastic bag

      • Adrian Jackson says:

        My other comment below answers your question.

        WW2 ended 70 years ago and my uncle was shot down in a Lancaster and killed on 4/5 Jan 1945 over France too.

        Taggers use many symbols but this symbol is sure to get a reaction so any graffiti is best ignored and not “promoted” on the Internet or websites.

  2. Adrian Jackson says:

    We all know that some Sydney beach suburbs have resident boofheads still living in the 1950’s and who hate everyone who is not like them (eg) the Cronulla riots a decade ago.

    Others paint this graffiti who want to keep mid 20th century history in the media.

    I assume that Asian tourist are not painting them as this symbol is thousands of years old not 13 years.

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