Surgeon invoked Jewish parable to save sight – the Australia Day Honours List

January 26, 2011 Agencies
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Professor Ivan Goldberg has been awarded an AM in the Australia Day Honours and has told J-Wire of one of the most memorable moments in his successful career as an opthamologist…A woman, a member of an ultra-religious Christian sect, had been told by her doctors in her country town that she had  travel to Sydney for an operation to save her from blindness.

She told them that her religion precluded her her from surgery and that if blindness what was in store for her, then it was God’s will. Facing up to the challenge, the pre-warned Professor Goldberg told the doctors to send her to him in any event…and she agreed to make the trip to his Sydney’s Macquarie Street rooms.

She repeated her dilemma to Professor Goldberg…but he was prepared. He told J-Wire: “I told her the story of man from a similar sect trapped in his home by floodwaters. When the water was up to his waist, a tall member of the State Emergency Services waded to his door and offered to carry him to safety. ‘No thanks’ said the man. ‘It is God’s will that I stay with my home.’ When the water reached head height, the man moved to his upstairs floor and rescuers in a boat reached his window offering to transport him to safety. He refused help again on the same grounds. The same thing happened when the upstairs flooded and he made a dash for the roof from which he rejected the offer of rescue from a helicopter crew. Eventually the house was submerged and the man drowned. When he arrived at the Pearly Gates, he asked God how He could have abandoned him reminding Him of his unbridled devoutness. God responded: ‘I didn’t abandon you…I sent you an SES man, a boat and a chopper.'”

Professor Goldberg continued: “So I told the patient…’and now God has sent you a surgeon to save your eyesight’.  She agreed to the operation…and her eyesight was saved.”

Half of this year’s Australia Day Honourees listed below go to the medical profession.


The Honourable Anne LEVY Adelaide SA

For distinguished service to the Parliament of South Australia, as a contributor to social policy reform and through support for the advancement of women, to the performing and visual arts, and to higher education.

Member, Parliament of South Australia, 1975-1997; Minister for the Status of Women,

1992-1993; Minister of Consumer Affairs, 1992-1993; Minister for the Arts, 1989-1993; Minister of Local Government, 1989-1992; Minister of State Supply, 1989-1992; President, Legislative Council, 1986-1988; Chair, Industries Development Committee, 1983-1985; Member, Statutory Authorities Committee, 1994-1997.



Anne Levy AO

Honorary Life Member, South Australian Women’s Electoral Lobby, 1998; Founding Member.

President, National Foundation for Australian Women, 1998-2000; Trustee 1994-2000; Life Member, 2000.

Founding Member, Family Planning Association, 1972-1984.

Member, Abortion Law Repeal Association, since 1969.

Member, Coalition for the Right to Choose.

Member, Women’s Legal Service, 1998-2002.

Member, International Women’s Development Organisation.

Member, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

Patron, South Australian Supporting Mothers Association.

Member, Faculty of Performing Arts Advisory Committee, 1997-2000.

Trustee, Country Arts South Australia, 2005-2010.

Executive Committee Member, South Australian Arts Industry Council, 1997-2010.

Director, Vitalstatistix National Women’s Theatre, 1998-2010.

Council Member, University of Adelaide, 1975-1996; Senior Tutor in Genetics, 1960-1975.

Member, Board of Botanic Gardens of South Australia, since 2008.

Chair, South Australian Genetically Modified Crop Advisory Committee, since 2004.

Committee Member, Alliance Française d’Adelaide, since 2005.

Honorary Consul for France in South Australia, 2000-2005.

Trustee, Dame Roma Mitchell Trust Fund for Children and Young People, since 2003.

Chair, Advisory Committee, Radio Adelaide, since 2000.

Patron, South Australian Humanist Society; Member, since 1960.

Treasurer, Australian Institute of Biology, for 6 years.

Member of Amnesty International; Community Aid Abroad; French-Australian Business Association; and South Australian Council of Civil Liberties.

Awards/recognition include:

Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, conferred by the French Government, 2005.

Australian Humanist of the Year, 1986.

Anne Levy was very surprised when she learned of her award. She said: “I am very honored. I have pursued the same ideals all my life and although I have been involved in many things, none stands out specifically. It was more to do with the ideals.”


Professor Michael Leonard FRIEDLANDER, Rose Bay NSW 2029

For service to medicine in the field of oncology, as an academic and practitioner,
to medical education and research, and through contributions to national and international cancer organisations.

Professor and Director of Medical Oncology, Prince of Wales Hospital (POW); Consultant Medical Oncologist, since 1990; Oncology Registrar, 1980; Member, Clinical Service Committee, POW and Prince Henry Hospital, 1990-1997; Medical Registrar Renal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Haematology, 1979; Medical Registrar Rehabilitation and Cardiology, 1978.





Michael Friedlander AM

Current Consultant Medical Oncologist, Gynaecological Cancer Centre, Royal Hospital for Women.

Current Conjoint Professor, University of New South Wales; Member, Oncology Advisory Committee, 1990-2000.

Staff Specialist in Oncology, Royal North Shore Hospital, 1988-1990.

Staff Specialist in Oncology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, 1986-1988.

Clinical Fellow/Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Princess Margaret Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute, Canada, 1984-1986.

Clinical Research Fellow, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Sydney, 1982-1984; Oncology Registrar, 1981.

Principal Investigator (representing Australia and New Zealand), Gynaecologic Oncology Group (USA), since 2000.

Chairman, Symptom Control Committee, Gynaecological Cancer Inter Group, since 2005.

President, International Gynaecological Cancer Society, 2004-2006; Member, Executive Committee, 1993-1997.

Chairman, Gynaecological Oncology Group, Clinical Oncology Society of Australia,
2000-2008; Chairman, Cancer Research Group, 1995-1997.

Founder and Chairman, Australia and New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group, since 2000.

Member, Medical Research Advisory Committee, Australian Cancer Research Foundation, 2000-2004.

Member, Genetics Working Party, Australian Cancer Network, 1995-2002.

Chairman, New South Wales Cancer Genetics Working Party, 1998-2004.

Member, Steering Committee, Cancer Trials Group, New South Wales Cancer Institute, since 2004; Member, Research Committee, since 2003; Member, Breast Cancer Committee, since 2006.

Member, Executive Committee, Kathleen Cunningham Consortium into Familial Aspects of Breast Cancer, 1999-2002; Founding Member.

Member, New South Wales Co-operative Oncology Group Trial Review Committee, National Health and Medical Research Council, 1994-1999.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1984.

Professor Friedlander told J-Wire: “I am deeply honoured to have received this award which was unexpected . As an immigrant to this wonderful country it is particularly gratifying to have been able to give something back and make a positive contribution to the field of oncology . I need to acknowledge the outstanding support of my wife and sons and the great team of people who I am privileged  to work and collaborate with as without them very little would have been achieved”

Clinical Associate Professor Ivan GOLDBERG, Vaucluse NSW 2030

For service to medicine, particularly in the field of ophthalmology, through national and international Glaucoma support organisations, and to education.

President, World Glaucoma Association (formerly the Association of International Glaucoma Societies), 2004-2005; Past President, 2006-2007; current Member, Executive Committee; Co-Chair, Glaucoma Patient Organisation Liaison Committee, since 2003.



Professor Ivan Goldberg AM

President, Asia Pacific Academy of Opthalmology, for the 2011 meeting.

Co-Founder and Co-Chair, World Glaucoma Day, since 2008; now World Glaucoma Week.

Member, Glaucoma Society, International Council of Ophthalmology, since 2003.

Founding Member, Executive Committee, Asian Oceanic Glaucoma Society, since 1996.

Founding President, South East Asia Glaucoma Interest Group, since 1997; Chair, Asia Pacific Glaucoma Guidelines Committee, 2003-2008.

Invited Lecturer, National University of Singapore, 1998-2000.

External Adviser, Maurice Paykel Professor of Ophthalmology Selection Committee, University of Auckland, 1997-1999.

Vice-President, Glaucoma Australia, since 1998; Coordinator and Chair, Glaucoma Twilight Meeting Program, since 1990; Chair, Education Committee, since 1988; Co-Founder and Steering Committee Member, 1986-1988.

Lecturer and Examiner, Australian Society of Hospital Pharmacists.

President, Australasian Jewish Medical Federation, 1990-1994.

President, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO),

2001-2002; Vice-President, 2000-2001; Member of Council, 1993-2002; Chairman, Curriculum Review Committee, 1996-1999; Censor-in-Chief and Chairman, Qualification and Education Committee, 1993-1999; Member, Federal Qualification and Education Committee, 1987-1999; Chair, Basic Sciences Board of Examiners, 1987-1993.

Chair, Australian and New Zealand Glaucoma Interest Group, since 2005; NSW Representative, 1996-2004.

Founding Board Member, RANZCO Eye Foundation, 2001-2003; Chair, 2002-2003.

Board Member and Director, Ophthalmic. Research Institute of Australia, 1991-2000; Member, Research Committee, 1991-1997.

Clinical Associate Professor, University of Sydney, since 2005; Instructor in Glaucoma, since 1983.

Head, Glaucoma Unit, Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital, since 2008; Visiting Ophthalmologist, since 1998.

Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, 1980-1998; Research Fellow, 1975-1976.

Immediate Past-President, Fellowship of Jewish Doctors of New South Wales, 1989-1991; President, 1985-1989; Vice-President, 1983-1985; Committee Member, 1982-1983.

Director of Glaucoma Service and Visiting Ophthalmologist, Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW, 1981-1998; Senior Ophthalmology Registrar, 1976-1978.

Professor Goldberg said: “I was very much inspired and mentored by the great Fred Hollows and the wonderful work he did.”

Professor Andrew Robert KORDA, Potts Point NSW 2011





Professor Andrew Korda AM

For service to medicine in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology through clinical, teaching and administrative roles, and to a range of professional organisations.

Professor Andrew Korda was appointed Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Western Sydney in 2008.

He graduated from the University of Sydney in 1966, completed his specialist training at Royal Price Alfred Hospital, and undertook further training in the United Kingdom and the United States. He also holds qualifications in Arts and Health Law and is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (holding Certification in Urogynaecology) and the Australian College of Legal Medicine.

Andrew is a senior staff specialist at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and director of Sydney Urodynamic Centres.

Professor Korda told J-Wire: “Initially, my reaction was one of sheer delight.  However, I have to say that this award has enormous significance given my immigrant background. It means so much to be a citizen of this wonderful country which gave me the opportunity to achieve what I did. It is humbling.”

Professor Louise Kathryn NEWMAN

Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton Vic 3168

For service to medicine in the fields of perinatal, child and adolescent mental health, to education, and as an advocate for refugees and asylum seekers.

Director, Monash University Centre for Development Psychiatry and Psychology.

Past President, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists; Chair, NSW Branch, 1999-2006; Honorary Secretary, 1994-1996; External Examiner, since 1997; Chair, Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2000-2006; Portfolio on Sex, Gender and Women’s Issues, since 1996; Representative to NSW Psychologists Registration Board, 1999-2002; Member of Congress, Scientific Program Organising Committee, 1996-1997; Training Registrar Representative, 1990.

Chair, Detention Expert Health Advisory Group.

Current Chair, Mental Health Sub-Group, Detention Health Advisory Group, Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Convenor, Alliance of Health Professionals for Asylum Seekers, since 2000.

Director, NSW Institute of Psychiatry, 1998-2006; Member, Standing Committee for Training of Psychiatrists, 1993-2006; Director, Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatry, 1997-1998; Trainee Representative and Course Review Committee, Training Committee, 1992-1993.

Current Member, Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network, Australian National University (representing the National Mental Health Disaster Response Taskforce).

Member, Task Force on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, NSW Department of Health Centre for Mental Health, 1997-2002.



Professor Louise Newman AM

Member, NSW Health Systems Review Committee, since 2003.

Member, NSW Health Expert Advisory Committee on Gender, since 2003.

Member, NSW Health Sentinel Events Committee, 2003-2005.

Member, NSW Committee, Chairs of Medical College, since 2003.

Member, NSW Mental Health Implementation Group, since 2004.

Member, NSW Health Mental Health Priority Task Force, since 2005.

Member, Australian Association of Infant Mental Health, 1996.

Chair, Borderline Personality Disorder Expert Group, since 2010.

Member, Australian College for Child and Family Protection Practitioners, since 2010.

Honorary Child Psychiatrist, New Children’s Hospital, Westmead, 1998-2009.

Chair, Peri-natal and Infant Psychiatry, University of Newcastle, 2007-2008.

Conjoint Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of NSW, 1994-1998.

Clinical Director, Paediatric Mental Health Service, South Western Sydney Area Health Service, 1994-1998.

Lecturer, University of Sydney, since 1994.

Registrar Representative, Department of Psychiatry Management Committee, Concord Hospital, 1991; Intern Representative, Board of Graduate Studies, 1988; Representative, Resident Medical Officers Association, 1988.

Convenor, Association of Psychiatrists in Training Annual Conference, 1991.

Northern Sydney Region Representative, Association of Psychiatrists in Training, 1990.

She told J-Wire that she was “honoured” and hoped the award would serve to highlight the universality of children’s rights. She said: “They deserve to be protected. I stand very much in favour of children not being held in detention camps…they should be released along with their primary carers.”

Mr Robert SMORGON, Toorak Vic 3142



Robert Smorgon AM

For service to the community through a range of charitable organisations assisting children and medical research groups.

Deputy Chairman, Jack & Robert Smorgon Families Foundation.

Founding Director, Australian Council for Children and Youth Organisations, 2001-2009.

Member, Advisory Committee, The Australian Childhood Foundation, since 2009.

Member, Advisory Board, Monash Institute of Medical Research, since 1997; Deputy Chairman, Fundraising Committee; Founding Member and Chairman, Patron’s Club, since 2007; Delegate, Dean’s Advisory Board, Nursing and Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University, since 2008.

Chairman , The Jewish National Fund (Victoria), since 2004; Executive Member, since 1998.

Trustee, Kew Hebrew Congregation, since 1999; served as Deputy President and Board Member, for many years.

Professor Roger Peter STRASSER

Northern Ontario School of Medicine, 935 Ramsey Lake Road,  Sudbury ON P3E 2C6, Canada

For service to medicine through improving the health care for people living in rural and remote communities in developed and developing nations as an educator, researcher and practitioner.

Founding Dean, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Laurentian University and Lakehead University, since 2002.

Professor and Head, School of Rural Health, Monash University, 1992-2002; established the Victorian Advanced Training for General Practice Program (state funded and administered by the Department of General Practice), 1996.



Professor Roger Strasser AM

General Practitioner in private practice, Moe, Victoria, 1985-2002.

Inaugural Chair, Working Party on Rural Practice, World Organisation of Family Doctors, 1992-2004.

Foundation Board Member, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine; instrumental in the development of the education and training curriculum of the College.

Chair, Australian Rural Health Research Institute, 1993-1997.

Gippsland Regional Coordinator, Family Medicine Program, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 1985-1992.

Assistant Editor, Australian Journal of Rural Health, National Rural Health Alliance,

Fellow, World Organisation of Family Doctors, 2004.

Awards/recognition include:

Life Fellowship Award, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, for his outstanding and meritorious service to rural and remote medicine in Australia, 2006.

Small, Rural and Northern Award for Excellence, Ontario Hospital Association, Canada, 2006; inaugural recipient.

The Roger Strasser Auditorium at Latrobe Regional Hospital was re-named in his honour, 2005.

Louis Ariotti Award for excellence and innovation in rural health in Australia, 2003.

Honorary Fellowship, Royal College of General Practitioners (UK), for world leadership in the field of rural health, 2002.

ANZAME Research Award for professional excellence or outstanding achievement in the field of health professional education research, Australia and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Education, 1996.

He said: “I will always remained connected to my Jewish ancestry. My father and his family were forced to leave Vienna in advance of the Nazi arrival. This award would have made them very proud.”


Mrs Susan Miriam BALINT, 13 Montgomery Street, Brighton East Vic 3187





Susan Balint OAM

For service to the community, particularly through the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia.

Current Board Member, National Council of Jewish Women of Australia; current National Chairperson, Fundraising Board; National Chairperson, Community Services Board, for 12 years.

State President, Council of Jewish Women of Victoria, 1982-1988 and 1991-1993; Member, since 1978; current Chairperson, Education and Fundraising; current Convener/Organiser, Community Bus; volunteer, Opportunity Shop; Chairperson, Dimona Group, 1978.

Board Member, Temple Beth Israel; Foundation Member, Social Justice Group; current Member, Synagogue.

Susan Balint thought they had got the wrong person. “I was shocked…I didn’t expect this It’s a wonderful honour.”

Ms Joy BALKIND, Sydney NSW 2000

For service to the community through a range of roles with Jewish organisations

Joy Balkind has been a stalwart of the NSW Jewish community, working quietly in her own inimitable fashion. Active on many committees and also with WIZO. She said: “I was shocked…but very happy. There are a lot of people deserving of this award.”

Mr Bernard Marcel BRZEGOWSKI-KORBMAN, Brighton East Vic 3187

For service to the community, particularly through the preservation of Jewish history.

Executive Director, Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre, 2005-2010; Director of Education and Research, 2003-2004; worked with the Victoria Police in a number of capacities, particularly in the area of multicultural community education.



Bernard Brzegowski-Korbman OAM

Current President, Australian Society of Polish Jews and Their Descendants Inc.

Facilitated groups for families of children who were drug dependent, 1996-1998.

Counsellor, Spiritgrow, since 1990.

Guest Lecturer, School of Education, Melbourne University, for 4 years.

Lecturer, Jewish obligations and requirements with regard to Business Ethics, 1996-1998.

Teaching roles, Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development,

He said: “This award is a great honour and exemplifies the strength of the multicultural aspect of Australia. It is wonderful to be recognised for the preservation of one’s cultural history.”

Professor David Leon COPOLOV, Malvern East Vic 3145

For service to medical research, to professional organisations, and to higher education.

Executive Director, Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria, 1985-2004; during his tenure, built the Institute into a substantial psychiatric research institution that made major contribution to the study of schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease; his main contribution to research was the investigation of the mechanisms underlying auditory hallucinations.





Professor David Copolov OAM

Deputy Chair, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

Director, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, since 2008.

Chairman, Chief Investigator, National Health and Medical Research Council Brain Network into Mental Disorders, 1994-1996 and 1998-2000.

Member, Australian Drug Evaluation Committee, Commonwealth Department of Health, 1991-2000.

President, Australian Society of Psychiatric Research, 1991-1993.

Member, Ministerial Advisory Committee on Mental Health Services, Department of Human Services, Victoria, 1992-2004.

Senior Policy Adviser, Office of Psychiatric Services, Victorian Department of Health,

Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, since 1992.

Pro Vice-Chancellor, Monash University, since 2009; represents Vice-Chancellor on Monash Foundation; Senior Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor, 2004-2009.

Professor of Psychiatry, Monash University, since 1992.

He told J-Wire: “Although my duties as Vice-Chancellor at Monash keep me very busy, I still practise. Direct contact with patients keeps one’s feet well on the ground. There are so many who deserve these awards and I am extremely grateful to have been chosen.”

Mrs Angela Kathryn DAVIS, Dianella WA 6059





Angela Davis OAM

For service to the community, particularly through the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia.

Current National Vice-President and Director, National Council of Jewish Women of Australia, (NCJWA); National Chair for Membership; current National Chair, Community Services.

NCJWA Representative, National Council of Women of WA.

President, National Council of Jewish Women of West Australia (NCJWA-WA), 1995-1999; former Vice-President; Life President; Member, since ca1989.

NCJWA-WA Delegate, Jewish Community Council of WA.

Current Chair, Status of Women (WA).

Fundraiser, Maurice Zeffert Home for the Aged, Perth, since ca1992.

Coordinator, Food Fayre, Health Expo, Women Refugees and Needy Families.

Angela Davis told J-Wire: “It came as a very big surprise and I am very humbled. It is nice to be recognised for the work I have done.”

Mr Graham Bruce EINFELD, Darling Point NSW 2027

For service to the community, particularly through roles with Jewish education and health care organisations.



Graham Einfeld OAM

Vice-President, Board of Management, Moriah College, 1989-1992; Treasurer, 1978-1989; Member, 1975-1992; Life Governor, since 1997.

Chairman, Coordinating Committee of Jewish Schools.

President, Wolper Jewish Hospital, 2004-2009; Honorary Treasurer, 1994-2004; Board Member, since 1993; involved in the establishment of the Tay Sachs Disease Program, Wolper Outreach Program, The Wolper Well-Being Program, and the Community Development Committee.

Honorary Treasurer, Jewish Communal Appeal, since 2005; Chair, Investment Committee, since 2005; volunteer, since 1971.

Graham Einfeld was very humbled by the award. He said: “Of course I feel proud but it is humbling to know that the community recognises the input made.”

Professor Ben FREEDMAN, Sydney NSW 2000

For service to medicine as a clinician, educator and researcher.

Head, Department of Cardiology, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, 1995-2003; Chairman, Concord Hospital Research Committee, 2002-2008; University Chair of Cardiology, since 1995; Member, Concord Hospital Governance Committee; involved in the establishment of the Academic Cardiology Unit at Concord Hospital.Deputy Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, since 2003; Associate Dean, Central Clinical School, 1996-2000; Associate Professor, 1989-1996; Senior Lecturer, 1985-1989.Played a major role in the establishment of the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute/Bernie Banton Centre.





Professor Ben Freedman OAM

Chairman, Scientific Committee, 2002 World Congress of Cardiology, 1997-2002; Secretary, Bid Committee, 1992-1994.

Involved in the development of the Graduate Medical Program.

Involved in the development of the Music-Medicine Degree.

Co-Founder, Sydney University Baroque Group, 1969.

Council Member, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ), 1992-1998; Honorary Secretary/Treasurer, 1995-1997; Member, Professional and Ethical Standards Committee, 1992-1997; Member of the Scientific Committee, the Pharmacology and Devices Committee, and the Continuing Education and Recertification Committee.

Member, National Heart Foundation of Australia’s Fellowships Committee, since 2004; Chair, 2007-2008.

Board Member, National Heart Foundation (NSW), 1996-2000.

CSANZ Representative on the National Board, 1995-2000.

Board Member, Centre for Vascular Research, University of New South Wales, since 2009.

Director, NSW Heart Research Institute, since 2008.

Director, Asbestos Diseases Research Foundation, since 2007.

Current Member, Executive, North Coast Medical Education Collaboration, since 2007; a joint venture of the Universities of Sydney, Wollongong and Western Sydney.

Head, Vascular Biology Group, ANZAC Research Institute, since 2004; Chairman, Scientific Committee, 2002-2003.

Current Chair, Northern Rivers and Broken Hill University Departments, Rural Health Advisory Committees.

Current Chair, Broken Hill Extended Placement Program.

Visiting Professor, Tuft’s University School of Medicine, Boston USA, 2000-2001.

Co-Chair, Cardiovascular Working Group, Federal Health Minister’s Advisory Group,

Member, National Health and Medical Research Council Working Party, Management of Pain Guidelines, 1996-1999.

Member, Expert Advisory Group on Heart, Stroke and Vascular Disease, National Health Priority Areas Australia, 1996-1998.

Member, Central Sydney Area Health Service Clinical Council.

Scientific Chair, Cardiac Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, 1995.

Convenor, Annual Scientific Meetings, International Society of Heart Research (Australian and New Zealand Division), 1990s.

Professor Freedman told J-Wire his parents would have been extremely proud. “My father wrote over 5000 Yiddish poems and was a very special man. My parents were both in concentration camps during the war. I appreciate the recognition. This has been much more than a job for me.”

Ms Katherine Ann KAPLAN, Bentleigh East Vic 3165



Kathy Kaplan OAM

For service to women through support for victims of domestic violence, and to the Jewish community.

Founder and Inaugural President, IMPACT for Women, since 2006.

President, Temple Beth Israel, Melbourne, 2003-2005, Vice-President, 2001-2003; Board Member, since 2000; active volunteer, since 1992.

Executive Member, Victorian Union of Progressive Judaism, 2001-2005; Delegate to Jewish Community Council of Victoria and State Zionist Council, 2001-2007.

Development Manager, Bialik College, 2000-2009.

She told J-Wire: “I was blown away and had to struggle with this. It is not really a credit to me…it is more about those who work within our organisation. IMPACT is not exclusively Jewish. We maintain lockers  for theose women seeking temporary refuge which contain Kosher and Halal food.”

Associate Professor Orli WARGON, NSW

For service to medicine as a clinician, researcher, and educator, and to the community through arts and charitable organisations.


One Response to “Surgeon invoked Jewish parable to save sight – the Australia Day Honours List”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    What an impressive litany and wonderful legacy.

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