Support for Israel in Sydney

July 21, 2014 by Roz Tarszisz
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Over 1500 people gathered at Central Synagogue on Sunday to show solidarity with Israel.

Ambassador Shmuel ben Shmuel

Ambassador Shmuel ben Shmuel      All photos: Henry Benjamin

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies together with the State Zionist Council of NSW and supported by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and The Zionist Federation of Australia,invited the Jewish community to hear Israeli Ambassador Shmuel Ben-Shmuel .


President of The Executive Council of Australian Jewry Robert Goot offered the communities’ condolences to the families of those who recently lost their lives on MH Flight MH17. A minute’s silence was observed to honour them as well as innocent civilians in Gaza and Israel and IDF personnel . He also marked the 20th anniversary of the Amia bombing in Buenos Aires.


Robert Goot, Richard Balkin, Shmuel ben Shmuel and Yair Miller

Robert Goot, Richard Balkin, Shmuel ben Shmuel and Yair Miller

Robert Goot introduced Ambassador Shmuel Ben-Shmuel who told the audience

“Your support is a source of encouragement, your compassion is a source of comfort and your solidarity is a source of hope”.

“The ultimate and sad truth of Israel’s predicament is that if Israel were to lay down its arms tomorrow,it would be destroyed. But if Hamas and other terrorist organisations were to lay down their arms tomorrow, there would be peace “ said Ambassador Ben-Schmuel.

In his brief address he asked what Israel had to do to get enough legitimacy to have the right to protect its population.

Dr Ron Weiser

Dr Ron Weiser

“Operation Protective Edge will continue until the goal is reached of restoring quiet to Israel’s citizens for a prolonged period”

He stated d that when Israel is under attack it has the right to defend itself and is obligated to act decisively for its citizens.

“Stop the Rockets, Stop the Tunnels and Stop the Terrorism” said Honororay Life President of the ZCNSW Ron Weiser in his thanks to the Israeli Ambassador.

Yair Miller, outgoing President of the Board of Deputies, pointed out that if such an event were held in New York, the equivalent audience would be 50,000 and that our community should be proud of its continued support of Israel.




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