Successful pitch

June 3, 2016 by Roz Tarszisz
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A group of 140 professionals have attended the 10×10 event to raise funds for specific organisations and participants had the opportunity to decide where their donation would be allocated as part of Sydney’s Jewish Communal Appeal’s Humans of JCA campaign.

Laurence Marshbaum acted as MC in an open and lively environment as three JCA member organisations pitched to the audience.

Vic Akhadeff, Ronni Kahn and Rowan Dean

Vic Alhadeff, Ronni Kahn and Rowan Dean  Photo Vicki Lauren Photography

Rada Pantzer explained Jewish Care’s Lovebites Respectful Relationships program. Daniel Kresner, Maccabi NSW presented the advantages of sport in its budding All Abilities program.  Vic Alhadeff, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies outlined the need for funds to send journalists to Israel. Alhadeff introduced Editor of the Spectator, Rowan Dean, who reinforced the importance of sending non-Jewish journalists to visit Israel.All three organisations had been identified as using innovative solutions to complex social issues within the local community.

In a Shark Tank style pitch process, Shark Ronni Kahn (CEO and Founder of OzHarvest) mediated and questioned each pitch with the object of clarifying how contribution would directly impact the community.  Questions were then asked from the floor.

Laurence Marshbaum

Laurence Marshbaum

Feedback on the night was positive with guests saying it was the best 10×10 event so far. The 10×10 initiative attracts 10 volunteers who take on the task of fundraising for the next year. Each member asks at least 10 people to attend a function with the aim of attracting new donors to JCA.

Enough volunteers came forward to work on next year’s event.

JCA staff are thrilled that the evening exceeded expectations and raised over $130,000. Sponsors for the night –  JCA Haberman, Kulawicz & Wolanski Endowment Fund and Southern Steel Group  –matched the first $25,000 of ticket sales. The space at Bondi Pacific was donated by Rebel Property Group.

All three organisations will receive the funds they pitched for with the balance going into general funding.

The pop-up art photographic gallery of adorning the space will be up until June 15.

For information about upcoming events go to:

Photos:  Vicki Lauren Photography


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