Spruiking terror at tourist site

May 26, 2024 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Zionism Victoria is dismayed that visitors to one of Melbourne’s most famous attractions, including groups of Jewish school students, have no choice but to pass by the anti-Israel encampment at RMIT and a series of hurtful and hateful posters.

Old Melbourne Gaol


Among the slogans greeting visitors to Old Melbourne Gaol are “Zionism is Racism is Fascism”, “Intifada, Intifada, Intifada” and “From the River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free”.

Yossi Goldfarb, President of Zionism Victoria, said, “The Gaol may be famous for holding notorious bushranger Ned Kelly, but it’s now becoming notorious in its own right for the signs outside supporting terrorism.
“These posters not only deny inherent elements of Jewish identity and the right to Jewish self-determination, they also call for the violent destruction of the Jewish homeland.”
He added, “It is a sad enough indictment of the current state of affairs in Melbourne that visitors to one of the city’s leading tourist attractions are confronted by such offensive slogans and outrageous slurs.
But imagine the distress for Jewish tourists and schoolkids being told they’re racists and fascists, and forced to pass by placards bearing battlecries used by the terrorists who maim and murder members of their family overseas.
It is simply unconscionable that visitors are subjected to this level of intimidation and hate, with no effort made to crack down on the perpetrators – radical activists who seem completely impervious and indifferent to the disruption and distress they’re inflicting on the people and city of Melbourne.”

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