Spotify streams antisemitic playlists that praise Hitler, call for ‘gas the Jews’

January 11, 2020 by JNS
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The audio-streaming service Spotify has dozens of user-created playlists with titles praising Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, mocking Holocaust victims, and artwork that features swastikas and white-nationalist hate symbols, The Times of Israel discovered.


The antisemitic playlist titles also include explicit calls to “gas,” “burn” or “kill” Jews; promote Holocaust denial and anti-Jewish conspiracy theories; and poke fun at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Among the titles are “GasOnThemJ3ws,” “The Holocaust was an exaggerated game of hide and seek” and “Rocking the soccks [sic] off holocaust victims.”

One playlist is titled “Songs to snort Anne Frank’s ashes,” while another called “Getting gassed with Anne Frank” has a photo of the Jewish diarist and Holocaust victim stamped with the words “Straight Outta Auschwitz.” The “Anne Frank’s hide and seek party playlist” ridicules the Frank’s Amsterdam hideout from Nazi persecution, while one called “Gas Anne Frank” is accompanied by a cover photo of a syringe piercing a forearm.

Some playlists feature German military songs adopted by the Waffen-SS. The playlist “Hitler’s Mixtape” features a photo of a Ku Klux Klan member giving a “Heil Hitler” salute.  Several others justify the actions of the Nazi leader.

The Times of Israel said the playlists are searchable and available for any of the service’s more than 200 million subscribers worldwide.

Spotify told The Times of Israel on Thursday evening that it would remove the hate content.

A spokesperson said, “The user-generated content in question violates our policy and is in the process of being removed. Spotify prohibits any user content that is offensive, abusive, defamatory, pornographic, threatening or obscene.”



2 Responses to “Spotify streams antisemitic playlists that praise Hitler, call for ‘gas the Jews’”
  1. Adrian Jackson says:

    Social media has been a disaster or anti social media on many levels and should be banned by all governments.

  2. Adrian Jackson says:

    Social media has been a disaster on many levels and should be banned by all governments.

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