Special Award for a Special Man

December 17, 2010 by Feygl Cylich
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Melbourne Jewish Care supported accommodation resident Doron Ninedek has received a national award for outstanding achievement in overcoming barriers….coinciding with International Day for People with a Disability

Doron Ninedek

Combining a love of exercise with an interest in animals, Mr Ninedek, of Carnegie, has been awarded the Determination and Persistence Award in Life Without Barriers’ 2010 Disability Services Achievement Awards for his mobile pet care business. Mr Ninedek has an intellectual disability and autism.

The award, which had nominations from across Australia and New Zealand, acknowledges a person’s demonstrated determination and persistence in achieving their goals.

Mr Ninedek was recognised at a national awards ceremony at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday 3 December.

Bill Appleby, CEO Jewish Care, congratulated Mr Ninedek, saying he was a laudable example of someone who had worked hard to take his place in the community.

“Doron started walking one friend’s dog per week. He proved to be reliable and with support from Jewish Care, Life Without Barriers and family has created Petcare 2 U. Over the past year he has looked after dogs, gold fish and a large water dragon lizard named Clint.”

“He has also developed regular contact and interaction with the community, having a weekly hot chocolate and muffin at a nearby café, buying meat from the local butcher and becoming a social member of the Glen Eira Saints Football Club.”

Mr Appleby said a mutual goal to assist people to overcome barriers and develop their best potential was the foundation of a wonderful partnership between Jewish Care and Life Without Barriers.

“As well as attending meetings and other ongoing efforts to assist Doron to achieve his personal goals, Jewish Care has worked collaboratively with Life Without Barriers to support Doron by ‘pooling hours’ so Doron can start his program later in the morning and then use this time for other activities outside of business hours,” he said.

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