Solomon to compete at the Maccabiah

June 24, 2013 by Henry Benjamin
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Australian Olympic 400m finallist Steven Solomon will compete for his country at next month’s 19th Maccabiah in Israel.

On his way

On his way to Israel    photo: Henry Benjamin

Head of Delegation Harry Procel told J-Wire that Solomon’s participation had just been confirmed and that his air tickets had been finalised.

The Sydney track star is currently studying at Stanford University in California .

It is not the first time Solomon has represented Australia in the Jewish version of the Olympics. In 2009, he captained the Junior soccer team. Procel quipped: “He has gone from a soccer player who could run a bit to an Olympian track star.”

Solomon resumed his athletic career in April following a back injury. He will compete in the USA before heading off to Dublin to compete in a meet there on July 17, leaving immediately after the event for Israel where he will arrive in time for the opening ceremony in Jerusalem on the 18th. Steve Solomon will compete in other major meets in London and Moscow following the Maccabiah.

Other top athletes joining Solomon in the Australian team will be Paralympian tennis star Adam Kellerman and Australian Futsal international Jarrod Basger.

J-Wire understands Solomon’s mother will leave Sydney shortly to personally deliver her son’s uniform to him in California.



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