So who goes to Beersheba?

October 20, 2017 by J-Wire Staff
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As New Zealand welcomes its new Labor Prime Minister, it is a waiting game to see who will represent at the 100th anniversary of the famous Light Horse cavalry charge which won Beersheba and marked the end of the Ottoman rule.

Jacinda Ardern

The unexpected defeat of Prime Minister Bill English , sees 37-yr-old Jacinda Ardern as New Zealand’s third female to lead the country.

King maker,  or in the case queen maker Winston Peters is reported to be up for the Deputy Prime Minister job.

The backing of The Greens has pushed Labor over the line to take charge of New Zealand after 10 years under the Nationals.

Bill English was scheduled to travel to Israel to join Australia’s prime minister Malcolm Turnbull at the anniversary of the famous charge.

The president of The New Zealand Jewish Council Stephen Goodman told J-Wire: “The New Zealand Jewish Council congratulates Jacinda Arden on her becoming Prime Minister.  We look forward to working with the new Labour led Government and continuing good relations with the Jewish community and Israel.”

He added: “As far as Beersheba goes we have no idea who will be representing the New Zealand Government.”



2 Responses to “So who goes to Beersheba?”
  1. Roy Sims says:

    Ah! Adrian,
    You ignore a few basic elements which accompanied the defeat of the Ottoman Empire.
    Turkey would not have benefited from the enlightened leadership of General Attaturk for starters. He single handedly dragged Turkey into the 20th century. Much of the region about them are still living in the 7th century!
    You also discount the influential actions of a holy God, who still keeps His covenant with the people He describes as “His special treasure”, even though you may not understand it.
    Don’t spend too much time wishing for the past Adrian. I had the privilidge of attending a school which had the ‘motto’, which translated into English was “Yesterday never returns”. So make the most of the future, it is all that’s left!!!

  2. Adrian Jackson says:

    The Australian Light Horse (ALH) were not cavalry. In fact Australia had no cavalry at all, except for a few short lived citizens colonial units before federation.

    The ALH were mounted infantry who use the horse to get about in the large spaces of Australia and in WW1 in Palestine and Syria. They usually dismounted to fight on foot as infantry with the horses taken to the rear by a few soldiers so they would not get shot.

    Its a pity that the Ottoman Empire ceased in 1919. If it had been left in place things would probably be more stable in the region 100 years later.

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