Oscar for Emile

March 1, 2011 by Henry Benjamin
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Sydney film producer Emile Sherman has won an Academy Award for his role as a producer of this year’s top film, “The King’s Speech”.

Steven Spielberg, Iain Canning, Emile SHerman and Garth Unwin pic: AAP


His awards career started in 2000 with his first film…”Uncle Chatzkel”, a documentary nominated for an AFI award.

He has been involved in the production of seventeen movies, including “Rabbit Proof Fence” and “The Night We Called it a Day”.

Sherman, 39, also had a hand in the finances of another Australian contender at the 83rd Oscars ceremony…”Animal Kingdom”.

He has currently two films in progress at the moment…”Shame” and “Bronte”. The latter deals with the famous literary sister and Sherman will produce the $11 million film for Paramount.

Sherman was accompanied in Los Angeles by his wife Caroline. A family member told J-Wire this morning: “He is delighted and truly  didn’t expect to win it. Totally blown away. He brought me the idea when he first received it and I said to him ‘you must be mad – you can’t make a two hour film about a man who stutters.”

She added: “When the family celebrates in Sydney this weekend, Oscar will give me a wink and say ‘yes he can’.”


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