Shadows of Shoah
A traveling exhibition using cutting-edge technology in which Holocaust survivors tell their stories will visit the Gold Coast next month.Immerse yourself in the exhibition that New Zealand artist Perry Trotter brings to us in the form of a black and white moving pictorial set to his own composed piano music sure to hit all your senses at once.

Perry and Sheree Trotter Pic: Henry Benjamin
Shadows of the Shoah is a set of stories by Holocaust survivors who have spent time talking to Perry as he gained their trust through his respect of their ordeals and their experiences. Perry has captured them through wonderful, true photography and presents the essence of their recounts in his exhibition. Although it runs for 30 minutes, one feels that a decade’s worth is shown and the viewer absorbs so much in so little time.
While the stories can be harrowing, the visuals are not and the special effects bring life and reality to the stories we should never forget. The survivors photographed are larger than life and their portrayal is brought right in to oneself as the viewer. As a viewer says, “Powerful, thought-provoking images set to the most beautiful music in a personalised account of an event that should never, ever be allowed to happen again.” Another viewer said, “This should be in the short film festival”. And still further, “I have seen Shadows of Shoah a number of times and each time a different survivor’s story got to me.”
There is no sensationalism, no heroics, and no lies. The stories are real, honest and bold recounts from those who have survived the horrors of the Holocaust. We need to hear, we need to see and we need to feel so that their survival is not forgotten and we always remember. We must not forget and for those who see this exhibition, we will not forget.
The exhibition will be running at the Temple Shalom Gold Coast from Monday 7 November to Thursday 1 December. For all bookings and enquiries, email Michael at [email protected] or call him on 0407 018 898. There are three sessions daily from Sunday through Thursday of each week. Bookings are essential as session numbers are limited.