Security Tightened in Auckland

April 1, 2011 by J-Wire
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Police and Diplomatic Protection Squad officers will be in force on Sunday evening at Auckland ‘s Greys Avenue Synagogue following an announcement by a pro-Palestinian group of planned demonstration marking the visit of the Speaker of the Knesset.

Reuven Rivlin

Rueven Rivlin is in a reciprocal visit to New Zealand following the the visit of the Speaker of the New Zealand Parliament’s Speaker Dr  Lockwood Smith to Israel last year.

Stephen Goodman of the Auckland Jewish Council told J-Wire: “Mr Rivlin arrives on Sunday and we have no idea what topics he will be discussing. The ISraeli Ambassador to New Zealand Shemi Tzur will be in attendance and so far there is no sign of anyone feeling intimidated by the proposed demonstration. However, security will be stepped up and the authorities are taking the matter seriously.”

In a media release the Palestinian Human RIght Campaign Auckland group said that Rivlin “is one of the most powerful politicians in Israel and a friend of fanatical members of the illegal settlement enterprise.”

Reuven Rivlin will also visit Wellington.


One Response to “Security Tightened in Auckland”
  1. Michael says:

    If only Palestinians and their supporters spent as much timeas they do intimidating Jews and Zionists trying to sort out their own problems between Hamas and Fatah , we may find an end to the Israel/ Arab/ Muslim quagmire.

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