Schools join forces
Two Melbourne Jewish schools have joined forces to consolidate numbers for VCE courses attracting low numbers of candidates.

Fred Kok (Head of Senior School – KDS), Gary Velleman (Vice Principal, Head of Senior School – Bialik), Marc Light (Principal – KDS), Jeremy Stowe-Lindner (Principal – Bialik), Mark Lenga (VCE Coordintaor – Bialik), Lionel Katz (VCE Coordinator – KDS)
Bialik College and The King David School have announced that the VCE subject alliance trialled in 2014 will be extended and broadened in 2015. The alliance is in place to provide for the schools to offer shared classes where there are small enrolments in a subject. This allows for greater choice and the opportunity to collaborate with a larger cohort. The initial trial saw Bialik College Theatre Studies students joining their King David peers. For 2015, the alliance will extend to six subjects with Hebrew Units 3 & 4, Information Technology Applications Units 3 & 4, Music Performance Units 3 & 4, Tertiary Hebrew, Theatre Studies Units 3 & 4 and Visual Communications Design Units 3 & 4 all on offer. Both schools have collaborated in developing their 2015 timetables in order to facilitate the subject choices of students from each school.
Bialik Principal, Jeremy Stowe-Lindner, has declared the trial to be a success, “Feedback has been exclusively positive. The two schools are thrilled that we are able to work together for the good of the community to offer a range of VCE options traditionally only found in the largest schools in the state.’
The King David School Principal, Marc Light, states that “the alliance allows both schools to continue to offer a wide range of choices and opportunities for our students.” He adds that “both schools are committed to providing our students with the best education available.”