Scholarships available

March 6, 2014 by  
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The Melbourne-based Adler Kaspi families and Caulfield Hebrew Congregation are pleased to announce the launch of the Adler – Kaspi Israel Scholarships, to be awarded annually in memory of Andrew Adler z’l and Shlomo Kaspi z’l.
Each to the value of $AU2500, one for a young man and one for a young woman, these scholarships will fund a trip for the successful candidates’ studies or professional development in Israel. The chosen course or experience should be within a Zionist framework and a least one month long.
Eligibility criteria require that the applicants be aged between 21 and 30, and that the course be undertaken within the next 12 months.

In its first year, the awards are available only to Jewish Victorians.

The scheme is scheduled to run for three years.

Application pro-formas and further information can be obtained from:

Miriam Suss 0411 551 551

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