Russians, Ukrainians and Israelis protest invasion of Ukraine at Russian embassy in Tel Aviv

February 25, 2022 by Gil Tanenbaum - TPS
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Both Russians and Ukrainians living in Israel took to the streets of Tel Aviv Thursday night to protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Protestors at Russian Embassy 24.2.2022 photo by Shalev Shalom TPS

They crowded the area on Hayarkon St. in front of the Russian Embassy near the beach. They were joined there by a large number of Israelis.

More than a million people from the countries of the former Soviet Union immigrated to Israel since the time when it began to break apart. While most were from Russia, many also came from Ukraine and other former Soviet Republics. On Thursday they came together to protest against Vladimir Putin who some compared to Adolph Hitler.

At the demonstration, people waved Ukrainian flags and carried signs that read, “Putin is new Hitler,” “Putin go to Hell,” and “Hands off Ukraine.”

One man shouted over a megaphone, “Putin supports Hezbollah! Putin also attacks Israel today through Iran!”

A Russian woman who now lives in Israel told TPS why she came out to protest. “I came here because I understand that this is something awful,” she said. “I have a lot of friends and relatives in Ukraine, I know that they are suffering and I know for a fact what is happening there so no one should tell stories saying that they are only attacking the army, they are also throwing bombs at civilian areas, and children. This is known.”

“We came here so that the whole world will know what is happening there,” she added. “Putin is a terrorist who must be stopped! He won’t stop with Ukraine he wants the whole world!”


One Response to “Russians, Ukrainians and Israelis protest invasion of Ukraine at Russian embassy in Tel Aviv”
  1. Adrian Jackson says:

    Putin is not like Hitler, as depicted in a protest sign pictured. He is like Stalin, Pol Pot or Kim Jong Un. Putin is a communist not a fascist.

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