Rugby attack – Beran not guilty

November 2, 2010 by J-Wire Staff
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An Easts Colts player has been found not guilty of assaulting a member of the opposing Maccabi team  following a rugby match in Sydney earlier this year.

Magistrate Favretto today found that 18-yr-old Anthony Beran had acted in self-defence in a melee in which 22-yr-old Maccabi player Jonathan Levy suffered facial injuries and Beran a broken leg. Sydney’s Downing Centre Court heard that Beran was attacked by members of Sydney’s Maccabi rugby team following the injury to Levy.

Shortly after the match at Woollahra Oval on March 20, a charge of assault occasioning bodily harm was laid against Beran. The magistrate said that as the prosecution had not proved the offence beyond reasonable doubt,  he found Beran not guilty of the charge.

In a strange twist to the case, witness Richard Casey, who played alongside Beran for Easts Colts, was permitted to complete his evidence yesterday allowing him to travel to Melbourne for the Cup. Casey is the grandson of third-place getter So You Think’s legendary trainer Bart Cummings.

Both players live in the Eastern Suburbs

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