Rudd to lead largest ever delegation to Israel

October 27, 2010 Agencies
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Albert Dadon’s Australia Israel Leadership Forum will host the largest Australian parliamentary delegation to Israel in December.

17 members of the House of Representatives and Senate will take part in the delegation to be led by Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd.

Albert Dadon

Labor Ministers participating will include Communications Minister Stephen Conroy, Industry Minister Kim Carr, Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture Mike Kelly, Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs Richard Marles and Labor MPs Michael Danby and Bill Shorten.

Deputy Leader of the Opposition Julie Bishop will represent the Liberal Party together with Christopher Pyne, Andrew Robb, George Brandis, Kevin Andrews, Brett Mason, Mitch Fifield, Steven Ciobo and Guy Barnett.

The ABC will send political editor Chris Uhlmann who will join The Australian’s Greg Sheridan, The Australian Financial Review’s Tony Walker,  Steve Lewis [News Limited] and the Sydney Morning Herald’s Lenore Taylor.

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd

Dadon told media that the high number of participants “is testimony of the goodwill that exists between Australia and Israel.”

Dadon said that all participants would pay their own fares and his organisation would meet the expenses in Israel itself with the exception of the Ministers who would meet their own.

William Cooper

Dadon added that the delegation would attend a special function at Yad Vashem to honour the memory of William Cooper, an Aboriginal who lead a delegation to the German Consulate in Melbourne in 1938 to protest against Kristallnacht.

The demonstration is the only one against Kristallnacht recorded world wide. A special Chair to study Holocaust resistance  will be dedicated to honour Cooper.


4 Responses to “Rudd to lead largest ever delegation to Israel”
  1. Ed Burroughs says:


  2. admin says:


  3. Rita Liddle says:

    Looks good but, I do have a couple of questions:

    – Why is Rudd still courting the openly antisemitic UN so intensively?

    – It is said (probably accurately) that Labor is “in Government” and the Greens are “in power”. The Greens make no secret of their animosity towards Israel, with Lee Rhiannon (who is among those who will be holding the balance of power in the Senat from July) standing shoulder to shoulder on the steps of the Townhall with Sheik Halali from Lakemba, stridently defaming and vilifying Israel and the Jewish people during a nasty anti-Jewish demonstration in Sydney, during the recent “Peace”boat sic. affair..

    What is Gillard’s attitude towards Israel/the Jewish people, seing that she owes her prime ministership to the Greens et al?

  4. Matt says:

    Still not getting the Popeye Turbo for the next generation submarines after the hoo-ha over the passport issue and the new PM announcing sending a contribution to a NATO led peace keeping force to the West Bank and Gaza as deputy PM. Which will be in an independently announced PA state ratified by the UN outside of direct negotiations, due to Abu Mazen’s little games that he plays and the world allows to continue. Enjoy the hotels because any government that endorses a independent PA state outside of direct negotiations will be treated as the UN, not allowed into Israel. No more traveling between Jerusalem, Tel Aviv to the PA territories, no more Israeli hotels, hospitals, doctors, restaurants etc. As we are not going to build the tunnel between the PA territories outside of direct negotiations, you will have to travel from Gaza via Rafah through Egypt cross the Gulf of Aqaba through Jordan into the West Bank. Or via boat from Gaza to Jordan after being diverted to Ashdod for searching.

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