Roger Waters: Zionism an ‘ugly stain’ that must be removed
According to British musician Roger Waters, U.S. businessman Sheldon Adelson is a “right-wing fascist, racist bigot” who controls U.S. President Donald Trump and believes only Jews are fully human.

British musician Roger Waters. (MEMRI)
Waters, co-founder of the band Pink Floyd, said in a June 20, 2020, interview with the Hamas-affiliated Shehab News Agency in the Gaza Strip that Adelson is a “puppet master” who is pulling the strings not only of President Trump but also Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, whom Waters referred to as “Greenberg.”
Waters went on to say that Adelson believes that everybody else was put on Earth to serve the Jews and that the establishment of a “Greater Israel” that includes all of Jordan and “historic Palestine” would solve the world’s problems. He referred to Adelson as a “crazy, crazy, crazy guy” who has Trump’s “tiny little pr*ck” in his pocket.
On the subject of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, Waters said that America’s “militarized police forces” had learned the technique of killing people by kneeling on their necks from the Israel Defense Forces, which he said uses this technique to murder Palestinians. He added that the American police forces have flown in Israeli experts to teach them how to murder black people since the IDF is so efficient at murdering Palestinians. He also said that Zionism is an “ugly stain” that must be removed.
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Waters views are what is now being labelled as “post modern antisemitism” ie hatred of Jews is camouflaged in anti Zionist rhetoric.
Waters and his like defend their position by saying ” do not conflate anti Zionism with antisemitism” a favourite manipulation usually adopted by the far left and far right.
Their view is in fact the adoption of fraudulent idealism couched in cliches !
Jeremy Corbyn ( alias Jeremy Haman alias Jeremy Amalek ) is another post modern antisemite.
Both of these ” dudes” have been winners, at various times, of the Wisenthal Antisemite of The Year Award.
He is a despicable antisemite.
His pernicious views debunk the theory that artistic people are humanists.
His views have to be exposed !!
The thoughts and ideas of a pathetic has been musician.Waters is an “ugly stain” that must be removed or at the very least must accept that his opinions count for very little.
The UK started the oppression of colonies which was going on for centuries all European Lands were involved Britain France Spain Portugal Germany Holland and the Notorious Leopold of Belgium .
The Jewish people though were the ones who said don’t oppress the stranger for you were strangers in Egypt and leave a corner of the field for the poor the widows the orphans and strangers among you .
This is Zionism not the mad man off the planet Waters definitiongetter madder and badder .