Roger Waters slams Elton John, Aerosmith, Steve Van Zandt, Thom Yorke and Nick Cave in talk for APAN

February 12, 2018 by Michael Danby
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Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters attacked major stars at the Australia Palestine Advocate Network (APAN). The APAN forum in Melbourne was hosted by the obsessive Sydney-based Israel hating Anthony Lowenstein. The comments were revealed by music site Noise11 in Glasgow…writes Michael Danby.


At the forum, Waters seized an opportunity to attack respected stars including Elton John, Thom Yorke, Steven Tyler, Steve Van Zandt and Nick Cave with both hands.

Roger’s message to “help mend the Middle East situation” involved called Thom Yorke a “self-obsessed, narcissistic, drippy little prick”, Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler “an old lady” and Sir Elton John “Dopey” and a “Queen mum”.

Waleed Aly attempted to soften the image of the BDS fanatic and Pink Floyd frontman, Roger Waters on the Project on Friday 9th February. BDS founder Omar Barghouti agrees with Roger Waters that the aim of BDS is not to influence Israeli policy, but rather to eliminate the Jewish state.

Waters is notorious for his hard-line extreme positions on Israel. The Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions campaign is clearly explained by one of Water’s leading BDS advocates: “The real aim of the BDS is to bring down the state of Israel… That should be stated as an unambiguous goal. There should not be any equivocation on the subject. Justice and freedom for the Palestinians are incompatible with the existence of the state of Israel” – As’ad Abu Khalil

There are direct quotes from Waters himself on the DBS

  • “The situation in Israel/ Palestine, with the occupation, the ethnic cleansing and the systematic racist apartheid Israeli regime is un acceptable…” – Roger Waters
  • “They believe that everybody that is not a Jew is only on earth to serve them and they believe that the Indigenous people of the region that they kicked off the land in 1948 and have continued to kick off the land ever since are sub-human…” – Roger Waters
  • “The parallels with what went on in the 30’s in Germany are so crushingly obvious…” – Roger Waters

I question the Project, and wonder if ‘our’ Waleed will be fronting for any other fanatic like Waters to his millennial audience. Few of them will guess Water’s real agenda. Roger Waters is one of the world’s most outspoken Israel haters and no amount of cavorting with Waleed Aly on the stage can sanitize his views.

The outsiders program showed a live clip of Waleed Aly suggesting that America was a worse violated of human rights than Syria, in a cosy conversation with the BDS Roger Waters.

I also appeared on Sky News’ “Outsiders” program on Sunday to explain why the opposition must not go down the ‘ultra-democracy’ path of UK Labour and allow any member of the public to be eligible to vote for the party’s leader.

Michael Danby is the Federal Labour member for Melbourne Ports.


3 Responses to “Roger Waters slams Elton John, Aerosmith, Steve Van Zandt, Thom Yorke and Nick Cave in talk for APAN”
  1. Meyer Mussry says:

    I am surprised that no-one organised a protest outside Roger Waters’ recent concerts here, saying “Boycott Roger Waters” and “Notorious anti-Semite, as defined by U.S. State Department and IHRA”.

    The prick needs as much bad press and exposure as he can get. In fact, this should be an international campaign.

  2. Henry Herzog says:

    Furthermore, when people target Israel and promote sanctions and boycotts against the Jewish state, while not even raising an eyebrow about all the human rights abuses, massacres and atrocities committed by other countries: If it smells like anti-Semitism and looks like anti-Semitism, it’s usually anti-Semitism

  3. Henry Herzog says:

    Who cares about Roger Waters, most The Project viewers wouldn’t care less. Waters is also Aly’s idol so how could he possibly question him on Israeli issues. What’s also obvious bias is Aly’s lack of character or perhaps it’s his belligerence of the Jewish state that drives him.
    And Go Nick Cave, Radiohead and others who told Waters to piss off.

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