Reprieve yet again for The Shtick
Jewish interview TV program The Shtick was preparing a life without a broadcaster with its host Melbourne’s Channel 31 facing the axe on June 30…but Henry Greener’s 10-minute segments continue to provide Jewish entertainment as C31 is reprieved for the sixth time.

Henry Greener
Greener was watching ABC’s Q&A on Monday night when Bill Shorten went directly to the C31 Question, and presenter Virginia Trioli, who curtly, with chutzpah, prompted Paul Fletcher to make the big announcement that C31 will not be shut down.
This follows a groundswell of support that came from petitions, emails, twitters and many comments on social media protesting to the proposed closing of CTV on June 30.
Greened told J-Wire: “I am seeking a restart pulse to reach the next stage of making media matter…by making a difference…in social justice, coexistence, sustainable healing, cultural roots connection while understanding and living Judaism in every way in an ever-changing world.
His new show features Holy Land Travel Guide former Melbournite David Cherny from Israel.
Dave Cherny is Director of the Holy Land Tour venture, which he has been passionately pursuing since he ended his 20-year stint as a physiotherapist in the Israel Defense Force. In the Time of Corona, David has had to adapt Virtual Zoom Tours, which has recently done with Bialik College for Yom Yerushalayim and WIZO Masada, celebrating 100 Years of World WIZO. As a very keen AFL Fan of Geelong Football Club, Dave has been a regular long-distance participant on Radio SEN and 3AW in Melbourne, as well as being able to facilitate Holy Land Tours with famous footballers, such as Gary Ablett and Robert “Dipper” Dipierdomenico, as well as Nick Naitanui, who played with the Peres Peace Team. Dave has a close relationship with the Australian Embassy and guided Governor-General Peter Cosgrove and many participants at the Beersheva ANZAC Centenary Event.
Dave Cherny continues guiding his Holy Land Tour, despite the difficulties experienced in Israel and worldwide due to the shutdown effects of Coronavirus. Dave’s wife Gavriella is an Epidemiology Nurse working on Tracing people with symptoms of COVID-19, so Dave has been fortunate that he can survive while the Tourist Industry has virtually closed down. Dave’s brother Dr. Mark Cherny is an Opthomologist in Melbourne, while his other brother Prof. Nathan Cherny is a renowned Palliative Care specialist. Another notable ex-Pat is Dr. Michael Harari, who treats injured Syrians in Tsfat.
I watch Ch 31 a bit and am pleased it has had a second lease of life for another year. I cant see the reason for the government wanting to close down this free to air channel. Perhaps the overbearing boring commercial channels are whining to the government. There is so much rubbish on Channels 7, 9 and 10.