Register for AUJS Aviv

June 14, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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Registrations for AUJS Aviv are now open and, as a special bonus, if you register before 19th June, AUJS will pay for your mobile phone use while you’re on the program!

So if you, a friend or family member are planning on visiting Israel, register now!

Dead Sea "swim"

Dead Sea “swim”

AUJS Aviv is a 5-month program for Jewish students from across Australia and New Zealand. Aviv allows participants to learn Hebrew, explore, travel and engage in every aspect of Israeli culture; stargaze and camp in the desert, learn survival skills, choose from a variety of life-changing volunteering opportunities and experience Jewish holidays in Israel the Israeli way. As part of the program participants take part in the Jewish heritage tour of Eastern Europe, where they learn about European Jewish life and history of Poland and Prague.

On AUJS Aviv you will be immersed in Israel for an incredible five months, exploring the country, learning about its history and rich cultures and strengthening your identity.

There are also a range of extension options including volunteering with Magan David Adom, community organisations or the IDF, hiking the length of Israel or helping out on Kibbutz.

At the conclusion of the program participants will leave Israel with incredible memories, long-lasting friendships and a newfound connection to their Jewish and Zionistic identities. However, the journey does not end there – back home in Australia, AUJS offers meaningful experiences on and off campus; a fun and interesting way to connect with the Australian Jewish community.

Based on feedback from previous participants, AUJS has completely redesigned Aviv. The result is the ultimate five-month program for young adults wanting to experience Israel in a unique way including a range of new program elements including:

Israel On Campus seminar

This seminar is designed to prepare students for the type of situations they might face on campus in relation to Israel, Judaism and confronting antisemitism then informs them of the best responses.

S’veevah (environment)

Students will experience the amazing advances that Israel has made to deal with the challenges of living in an often-harsh environment.

Start Up Nation

For the first time, Aviv will provide a rare insight into how Israel has become the Innovation Nation. Participants will see some of the amazing, life-changing innovations such as the Pill Cam and the ReWalk robotic exoskeleton and meet the people who invented them.

You will also enjoy volunteering at a variety of Israeli organisations, taking in the incredibly fun Israeli nightlife, meet Israelis your own age and make lifelong friends.

And remember, register before 19th June and enjoy free mobile phone use throughout the Program!

For more information, please see or, follow us on or call Hagar at AUJS on (02) 9381 4292.

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