Record Ulpan group

December 2, 2015 by J-Wire
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2015 has seen an incredible 97% participant rate by Melbourne’s Mount Scopus College Year 10 students in the optional Ulpan program.

Ulpan group

Ulpan group

Students left this week to spend five weeks exploring Israel from top to bottom, including a new option of volunteering in the Arava region, including working in kindergartens, getting to know their Israeli high school peers, yoga in the desert and art workshops, in addition to the option of taking part in a Shvil Israel hike in the southern part of the Israel National Trail or a cultural experience based in Tel Aviv.

The group will also visit Prague to gain an insight into the once thriving Jewish communities of Eastern Europe prior to the establishment of the State of Israel.

The College wishes all Ulpaniks an enriching and rewarding time in eretz Israel, and sincerely thanks its generous and thoughtful benefactors who have made this program possible for every student who wished to participate.

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