RCNSW says “download the app”
The president of the Rabbinical Council of NSW Rabbi Nochum Schapiro and his executive has appealed to community members to download the COVIDSafe app.
In a statement, the RCNSW said: As has been widely publicised, the Australian Government is urging all Australians to download the Covid-19 Safe App which is tremendously efficacious in speeding up contacting people exposed to the virus.
This considerably reduces the prospect of passing on the virus to family, friends and community members.
In the spirit of the Mitsva of lo ta’amod al dam rei’eicha, “do not stand idly by while your fellow’s blood is shed” (Lev.19:16), we urge all members of the NSW Jewish Community to download, without hesitation, this App which could result in countless lives being saved.
Our Sages teach (Sanhedrin 4:5) that one who preserves one human life it is as though he or she has saved the whole world,
May the Healer of all Flesh send an immediate cure for this dreadful epidemic to the entirety of humankind.
Please note that Shabbat may be infringed only for immediate and direct danger to life and therefore the Halacha does not permit the mobile app to be transported on Shabbat.