Racist attack on Sydney bus

September 25, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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A woman on a Sydney bus launched a racist tirade against a Chinese woman ending it by telling her “I am Jewish from Israel and you are f***ing nothing”.

Lindsay Li

Lindsay Li  Photo: Facebook

There is no confirmation that the abuser is either Jewish or Israeli.

The Sydney Morning Heralds reported that Lindsay Li told the Sydney Morning Herald that she asked the bus driver to stop and call the police. He kept driving and no-one intervened according to the report.

According to the SMH, before boarding the bus, the woman pushed ahead of Li, spitting on her and striking her with a shopping trolley.

When Lindsay Li got off the bus, the woman followed and reportedly to continue to rant.

Lindsay Li has posted a 90-second video and her account of the incident on her Facebook page.

You can watch it here.

‘The matter is currently under police investigation.

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies has condemned the racist attack.

Vic Alhadeff, CEO of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies said:  “The racist tirade against the Chinese Australian passenger was despicable. This act of bigotry — and the many others which go unrecorded each day — must be strongly condemned. Too many such incidents occur in our society and we have an obligation to speak out and stop them whenever and wherever they occur.”


3 Responses to “Racist attack on Sydney bus”
  1. Liat Nagar says:

    This vile woman does not have an Israeli accent. She is trying to kill two birds with one stone.

  2. Paul Winter says:

    I suspect that that excuse for a woman was neither Israeli nor Jewish, but rather a racist sow who wanted Jews to be blamed for her vile act.

    The assault of the Chinese lady was revolting. So too was the gutlessness of the bus driver and of the other passengers.

    Some years ago while on a bus to South Sydney High a slob started mouthing off against some Chinese girls, calling them sluts. His aggressive manner silenced a few people who objected to his vileness. When I got sick of him and told him to keep quiet, he told me to shut up. He shut up after I told him to take his own advice.

  3. Rami Reed says:

    Hope that woman is prosecuted.

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