Racism, Bowraville Murders and truth-telling
Sydney filmmakers Dan Goldberg and Adam Kay who produced “Code of Silence” and “Strictly Jewish have turned their attention to the unsolved murders of three Aboriginal children in Bowraville.

Producer Dan Goldberg and an award presented to Mint Pictures

Adam Kay
Code of Silence dealt with child sexual abuse within the orthodox community and Strictly Jewish focused on the ultra-orthodox community in Melbourne’s Rippon Lea.
After four years on continuous work, Goldberg and Kay are in the final stages of The Bowraville Murders which is scheduled to be shown on SBS next year as part of a new series entitles Australia Uncovered.
Dan Goldberg told J-Wire: “You’ve seen the horrific racism going down in America in the last few days; it’s happening here too and has been happening for decades…
Here’s just one example (warning: the video is graphic) of the 432 Aboriginal deaths in custody – some of which we will show in our film – since the royal commission in 1991…
For the past four years, I’ve been working on a feature documentary about the unsolved murders of three Aboriginal children in Bowraville in northern NSW in 1990-91.
The entire Bowraville story is mired in racism that remains alive and well today. In investigating the murders, our documentary will also expose the wider story of racism inside our criminal justice system … the very place that’s supposed to be blind to race, colour or creed.
It’s also an epic David-vs-Goliath battle for justice fought by the families of the children … all the way to the High Court of Australia.
Almost everyone, black or white, agrees that had the three children been white, someone would have been jailed a long time ago.
But, as one of the locals argues in our trailer, “because they’re black, no one gives a shit.”
I know you care, so please watch the trailer and help expose racism on our doorstep.
We’ve raised $50K via major donors but the COVID pandemic raised havoc, so that’s why I’m are reaching out to you as part of a crowdfunding campaign.
We still need to raise a further $50,000 to cover the budget, and anything you can contribute will be hugely appreciated.
The crowd-funding campaign starts today for the month of June – 30 days for $50K.
You can make a tax-deductible donation via this link.
What’s happening in America is happening here too; it’s time for truth-telling…
Timely post, thanks. Your link to donate isn’t working unfortunately.
The links have been checked and worked