Queensland Floods – Latest

January 18, 2011 Agencies
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Rob and Jane Mulchin survived the Queensland floods – just. “We were in the house and the water kept rising at about an metre an hour, it kept going up and up,” Jane said. “Next thing I know someone jumped onto my roof and onto the deck and rescued us, got my daughter, my nana and me and got us out.


The Mulchins' home



“Rob stayed with the house . We were all very frightened for him.”

Rob added: “It was a bit overwhelming. Just after midnight it [the water] started to come down. All the power was out so it was pitch black.

“I’ve not had any power, no emails for days. Power just came on yesterday morning. We were the lucky ones. Walking down the street today just seeing houses that had gone over, the roofs they’ve just lost everything, it’s devastating. The stink is horrendous. All the sewerage pumps failed.”

He said they’ve just about finished the clean-up. “We’ve been using power houses and industrial cleaning products. The water reached about five metres. My house is raised, if I’d have been at road level I’d have been gone, bye bye.”

Jason Steinberg, President of the Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies reports:

Recent days have seen an unprecedented show of communal support as the Brisbane River waters have receded and some families have been able to return to clean their homes and assess damage. However, some families are still unable to return to their properties and businesses.

At this stage, we know that 7+ families have lost their homes and businesses; there are still 7+ homes without power and there are a few families still isolated in their homes.

There are some things that people in the community require now, they are listed below with relevant contact details:

• Do you have a generator you can loan? Contact: Michael Solomon (mjsros@bigpond.net.au).

• Do you have a granny flat, vacant rental accommodation or independent living available? Contact: Chanoch Sufrin (chanoch@ChabadBrisbane.com)

• Do you have any spare business space? Contact: Chanoch Sufrin (chanoch@ChabadBrisbane.com)

• Do you have any storage space? Contact: Chanoch Sufrin (chanoch@ChabadBrisbane.com)

Trades people and suppliers

There is a currently a significant demand for trades people and suppliers as people repair and rebuild their homes. To assist members of the Jewish community, we would like to maintain a register of electricians, builders, plumbers, engineers, architects, painters, carpenters, etc.

They may be Jewish or someone that you use on a regular basis who can provide the service. If you know of someone, please register with Michael Solomon (mjsros@bigpond.net.au).

Flood appeals

There are currently many fundraising appeals being conducted and we are very grateful to those who have donated to the Queensland Jewish Community Services Inc. – Flood Appeal (www.qjcs.org.au) which was launched on Friday. Donors to this appeal fund are also urged to contribute generously to the Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal Fund (www.qld.gov.au/floods/donate.html) or other officially recognised flood relief funds.

Any surplus funds that are left over from the Queensland Jewish Community Services Inc fund will be transferred to the Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal Fund.

Government support and assistance

The Queensland Government has an excellent website (www.qld.gov.au/floods/support.html) for anyone impacted by the floods. There you will find a range of information and links to important information such as the Australian Red Cross’s National Registration and Inquiry System, fact sheets from Queensland Health, how to replace lost government certificates (e.g birth certificates), assistance for primary produces and small businesses, rebuilding and home repairs advice and insurance.

There is also a government site which outlines the funding available through various agencies.




(www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/internet.nsf/emergency/qld_flooding_dec10_agdrp.htm) is

providing payments of $1,000 per eligible adult and $400 per eligible child will be made if: a

person’s principal place of residence was without electricity, water, gas, sewerage services or

another essential service for at least 48 hours (a utility failure) and the utility failure was

caused by damage to public or private infrastructure.

Crisis and mental health advisory services

Through the Queensland Jewish Community Services Inc and its sister organisation, the Jewish

House (www.jewishhouse.org.au) in Sydney, our community has access to a 24hour free

confidential crisis counseling service. Please phone 1300 544 357.

Please send this email to your Jewish friends and families.

Jason Steinberg





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