Providing KosherLePesach for the Poor

March 12, 2010 by Henry Benjamin
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Coles Supermarket at Sydney’s Westfield Bondi Junction is asking shoppers to but something extra for Passover…donate KosherLePesach food for those in need.

Rabbi Mendel Kastel, store manager Naif Coralic, Ruth Abras and Uri Butnari

The store has placed a huge crate immediately passed their check-outs for shoppers in which to place their contributions towards making it a momarable Pesach for Sydney’s Jewish needy. When full, the Jewish House will empty in preparation for the next flurry of shoppers.

Coles Kosher NSW co-ordinator Uri Butnaru told J-Wire: “We at Coles are very pleased to be involved with such a worthy cause knowing the good work that the Jewish House does within the Jewish community under Rabbi Mendel Kastel’s leadership…especially at this time preceding the Festival of Pesach. it’s a great cause.”

Rabbi Mendel Kastel suggested the idea to Coles during a seminar held by the company to educate their staff on  KosherLePesach products.

He said: “They welcomed and embraced the idea which we saw come to fruition this morning.”

Richelle Goldschaft gives Rabbi Kastel matza

Uri Butnaru with Rabbi Mendel Kastel

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