Protocols on Sale in Sydney

April 11, 2011 Agencies
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Copies of the antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion were on sale at Lakemba Mosque on Sunday.

The Australian newspaper reported that copies of the hoax document were on sale in the bookshop of the mosque in western Sydney during an open day designed to dispel myths about Islam.

Volunteers at the store claimed they were not responsible for choosing the books, whose sales help fund the mosque. A spokesman for the mosque said he hoped that the staff would exert more control over what is stocked on the shelves.

Lakemba mosque is home to the controversial Sheikh Tajeddin al-Hilaly, the former mufti of Australia.



4 Responses to “Protocols on Sale in Sydney”
  1. James says:

    Was this in the printed version of The Australian or on the website?

  2. Chaya says:

    This is disgusting? Why is there so much uproar when something happens in Israel when we’re just protecting our borders but when a mosque in SYDNEY sells Anti-Semetic literature it is noted as freedom of speech or something equally ridiculous! Shame on the media for letting this behaviour go unnoticed!

  3. Rita says:

    “…A spokesman for the mosque said he hoped that the staff would exert more control over what is stocked on the shelves….

    Probably ordering in more of this unequivocal contravention of racial vilification laws “book” and adding a number of “Mein Kampf” for good measure.

    Is there no Jewish body to take them to court over this?

    “…Lakemba mosque is home to the controversial Sheikh Tajeddin al-Hilaly, the former mufti of Australia.”

    The political ally in the vilification of Israel and the Jewish people of the Greens Lee Rhiannon….

  4. Black mambo says:

    Does peddling this book conflict with racial vilification laws? I am disgusted this story is ignored by the ABC who write up the day as a huge multicultural success.

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