Protector of the faith

October 1, 2014 by David Marlow
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Nina Bassat, President of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, has presented police Sergeant Timothy Lambourne with a certificate in appreciation of his work supporting multiculturalism and his services to the Jewish community in Victoria.

Nina Bassat and Sgt Lambourne

Nina Bassat and Sgt Lambourne

Sergeant Lambourne is the Victoria Police Multicultural Portfolio Liaison Officer based in St Kilda.

Ms Bassat said, “The work of Victoria Police in protecting the entire Victorian community in support of peace and harmony is outstanding. They are a role model for the world in community policing and the close working relationships they continue to build across faiths and cultures.”

His work in ensuring safety of local multicultural and faith communities, and his close work with the Jewish community in building a shared understanding and closer relationship with Victoria Police was recognised last week when he was awarded the Police and Community Multicultural Advisory Committee (PACMAC) Multicultural Award at Government House.

The PACMAC award is presented by the Victorian Multicultural Commission as part of Victoria’s Multicultural Awards for Excellence.

The ceremony was held at the Beth Weizmann Community Centre.

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