Promotion for Ron Hoenig

October 2, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Labor Member for Heffron Ron Hoenig has been appointed Shadow Minister for Emergency Services in a NSW Opposition frontbench reshuffle following the announcement that Member for Macquarie Fields and former Opposition Minister for Health, Dr Andrew McDonald, would not be contesting the next State Election.

Ron Hoenig

Ron Hoenig

Mr Hoenig was previously the Shadow Minister for Energy and Shadow Minister for Ports.  He retains the Ports portfolio.

“I was honoured to be given the responsibility of the Emergency Services portfolio by Opposition Leader, John Robertson,” Mr Hoenig said.

“There is absolutely no denying that the work our Emergency service men and women do in our community is invaluable.

“From fighting some of the world’s most dangerous fires to responding to natural disasters, our emergency men and women often put their lives in danger to help our community.

“I will be a vocal advocate for the continued safety and wellbeing of our emergency service men and women and look forward to meeting with many of them to listen to how I can be their best representative.

“I am pleased to retain the Ports portfolio, although unfortunately since the privatisation of our Ports, all that we are witnessing, as the ports users say, are increased fees and chargers which are a tax on exports.

“Our community is still none the wiser to any of the details surrounding the sale of Port Botany; what we do know though, is that the Liberal government has done absolutely nothing in more than 3 years to increase the ability of container movement by rail.

“It is refreshing that the new port owners know that the movement of containers will increase from 2 million to 7 million in the next few years and that the roads around Port Botany will slow to the speed of a snail. This is going to severely impact the NSW economy.”

“As the Shadow Minister for Ports and the Local Member, I will keep the pressure on the NSW Government and continue advocating for container movement by rail,” Mr Hoenig said.

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