Progressive Jewry welcomes US Gay Marriage decision

June 30, 2013 by J-Wire
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The roof body of Australian Progressive Jewry has welcomed the decision affording equal rights to married gay couples.

Steve Denenberg

Steve Denenberg

The Union for Progressive Judaism (UPJ) welcomes the landmark decision by the American Supreme Court in U.S. v. Windsor declaring Section 3 of the 1996 “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA) unconstitutional.  In its 5-4 decision, the Court found that same-sex couples who are legally married are entitled to equal treatment under US federal law.

The Progressive Movement has always believed in equality and that extends to the gay and lesbian communities and we welcome them into our congregations.

Commending the decision, UPJ President Stephen Freeman and Executive Director, Steve Denenberg said “Today’s decisions by the US Supreme Court represent an historic and positive step towards justice and equality for same sex couples. The decision in this case states that failure to recognize same-sex couples was a violation of equal protection for legally married same-sex couples. The UPJ believes that this decision supports the call for marriage equality to be accepted in Australia in order that same-sex couples receive the respect, rights, and recognition that they deserve. We believe that these decisions are a victory not just for the LGBT community but for all who value equality and fairness in our society.”


One Response to “Progressive Jewry welcomes US Gay Marriage decision”
  1. I commend the UPJ for their strong stance on calling for equal marriage rights for all Australians.

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