Prince Philip: Community tributes

April 11, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Leaders of the  Australian and New Zealand Jewish communities have paid tribute to Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh who passed away on Friday at the age of 99.

Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh

The Rabbinical Association of Australasia has extended deepest sympathies to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and the Royal family following the sad passing of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Princess Alice

President Rabbi Yaakov Glasman told J-Wire: “Prince Philip will be remembered for his service to his country and his community and for his devotion of Her Majesty the Queen. Many Shules in Australia, New Zealand and around the world pray every Shabbat for the welfare of the Royal family as our Sages instruct us to do in Pirkei Avot – Ethics of Our Fathers. This week, we continue to pray in the form of expressing our heartfelt condolences to the Royal family and wish them strength and comfort during this challenging time.”

Yad Vashem’s recognition of Princess Alice, Prince Philip’s mother

Mark Leibler,  National Chairman & Dr Colin Rubenstein, Executive Director of The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council issued a joint statement saying: “AIJAC expresses its sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Prince Philip. The son of one of the Righteous Among the Nations, he demonstrated a courageous determination and commitment to fight against the Nazis in war and to fight Nazism as an evil ideology at home and abroad. As a prominent public figure for so many years, he served his country and the Commonwealth with dedication,  flair and great distinction. He had a  strong, unique personality and generated a real warmth. May his memory always be a blessing .”

President of ECAJ Jillian Segal said: “The Executive Council of Australian Jewry, the elected national representative body of the Australian Jewish community, extends sincere condolences to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and the royal family on the passing of his Royal Highness, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.

During his long life, Prince Philip was a constant support to the Queen. He also gave generously of his time to many worthwhile causes and was the patron of numerous charities throughout the Commonwealth. One of his legacies is the Duke of Edinburgh award which encourages young people to challenge themselves and to volunteer for all kinds of community service.

This coming Shabbat we ask all synagogues in Australia to add a special prayer in memory of Prince Philip and for the Queen and members of the Royal family to find strength, peace and comfort amid their grief. ”

The Zionist Federation of Australia paid tribute to Prince Philip’s long service to the Commonwealth and extends its condolences to the Royal Family. President of the ZFA, Jeremy Leibler said “Prince Philip maintained a close relationship with the British Jewish community and will be remembered by the Jewish world as a friend, and the son of a righteous Gentile who saved three Jews during the Holocaust. Princess Alice of Greece is buried in Jerusalem as a fulfilment of her dying wish”.

The UPJ co-President Brian Samuel said: “The Union for Progressive of Judaism expresses deep sympathy to her Majesty the Queen and the royal family on the passing of her husband and members of the family’s father, grandfather of Prince Philip on Friday. The Progressive communities throughout the region wish Her Majesty many more years of good health as she reigns over our communities

In 1994, Prince Philip was the first member of the Royal Family to visit Israel. His mission was personal when he accepted Yad Vashem’s recognition of his mother as one of fewer than 30,000 “righteous among the nations,” for saving three members of a Jewish family during the Nazi occupation of Greece. He visited Princess Alice of Greece’s burial site on the Mount of Olives.

“Speaking personally as a descendant of the Jewish community of Rhodes Island, which was decimated during the Holocaust – including 151 Alhadeffs, who perished at Auschwitz – NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff said: “About 90 per cent of the Jewish communities of Greece was destroyed during the Holocaust. It was only due to the courage of a handful of leaders of Greek civil society that a small number of Jews were hidden and saved. Princess Alice – Prince Phillip’s mother – was one such remarkable person. With the passing of Prince Phillip, I salute his mother for her extraordinary bravery and principled conduct.”

Israel’s leadership conveyed its condolences to the United Kingdom, to Queen Elizabeth II, and to the royal family following the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

President Reuven Rivlin conveyed his “deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy” to Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, the royal family and the people of the United Kingdom on the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his “deepest condolences” to Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, the Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom on the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh.

“Prince Philip was the consummate public servant and will be much missed in Israel and across the world,” he said.

Lior Haiat, the spokesperson of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued a statement Friday on behalf of the people of Israel sending the country’s deepest condolences to Queen Elizabeth II and the British people on the death of Prince Philip.

He eulogized Prince Philip as “a great Briton, who dedicated his life to representing the UK and was a true public servant. He will be sorely missed.”

Tzipi Hotovely, Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom, extended her “deepest and sincerest sympathies” to the Queen, the Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom on the death of Prince Philip.

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