Pride Shabbat in Melbourne

February 5, 2015 by Roz Tarszisz
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Melbourne’s Temple Beth Israel (TBI) hosted a Friday night “Pride Shabbat” service as part of the Midsumma Festival.

Rabbi Lazarow

Rabbi Gersh Lazarow

The Pride Shabbat service honoured the Jewish LGBTI (Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex) community and its allies and focuses on issues of inclusion, equality and human rights.

“We encouraged those on the margins of our community to join us at TBI. We especially welcomed those who have felt isolated or shunned from other faith-based organisations said TBI Rabbi Gersh Lazarow.

As part of the Progressive Jewish movement, we pride ourselves on principles of egalitarianism, respect for others and inclusivity” said Rabbi Lazarow.

Because its Shabbat services are now streamed , TBI has received emails from around the world which indicate how this service allowed those who have kept apart from Jewish life to reconnect  said Lazarow.

“Obviously there was a particularly large (streaming) uptake with Pride Shabbat and it is really lovely that we can achieve that.

“We realise that there are more ways of bringing streaming to people and are exploring them” said Lazarow.


2 Responses to “Pride Shabbat in Melbourne”
  1. Schneur Naji says:

    Temple Beth Israel promotes the ideas of Sodom and Gemorrah and they are proud of it.
    They have neutralized many or the Torah teachings in a pathetic attempt to look modern, cool hip, politically correct and relevant…………they are failing worldwide
    All these “movements” come and eventually fade.
    People like Gesh Lazarow are social activists not spiritual leaders.

  2. Eleonora Mostert says:

    Ooops… Sorry Rabbi Gersh Lazarow, and no disrespect to any L.G.B.T.I’s but it is not normal and considered a choice of live. I ‘m not a Biblical Scholar by all means but isn’t it written that it’s an abomination in the eyes of G_d??? I do feel for these people and would never shun them, I accept them for who they are but, and there usually is a but…I really don’t think we should encourage this behaviour, it sets a very distorted view for young people. Opening the doors to Sodom and Gomorrah.

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