Prestigious award for Goldman Travel

July 22, 2014 by Henry Benjamin
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Sydney’s Tom Goldman became Maccabi World Union vice-president…and his eponymous travel company also scored winning the prestigious Best Corporate Travel Agency in the National Travel Industry Awards.

John Simeone    Manager Commercial and Global Sales Development Qantas presents Tom Goldman with the award

John Simeone Manager Commercial and Global Sales Development Qantas presents Tom Goldman with the award

The twice-honored Goldman told J-Wire: “The award is very significant for me.  Not only is it the first time I have received it but also the nominations for the award come from my peers. It represents professional recognition of our role in the corporate travel market in which we have been working for over 20 years. It is a reflection on the quality of all those involved in Goldman Travel”.

The award was presented at Sydney’s Entertainment Quarter.


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