Premier meets rabbis

August 10, 2012 by J-Wire Staff
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The Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) has met with Victorian Premier, Mr Ted Baillieu.

Rabbis Ian Goodhardt, Ralph Genende, RCV President Yaakov Glasman, Premier Ted Baillieu, Rabbis Meir Shlomo Kluwgant, James Kennard and Avrohom Jacks.

During the hour long meeting, RCV President Rabbi Yaakov Glasman apprised the Premier of the council’s leadership restructure which has seen various members of the Rabbinate take on specific portfolios of relevance to the Jewish community. Portfolios include domestic violence and sexual abuse, medical ethics, youth engagement and professional development courses for rabbis in the fields of counselling, mediation, pre marriage education, mental health first aid and professional public speaking.The meeting held in the Office of the Premier at Treasury Place, gave the RCV the opportunity to present to the Premier an overview of its initiatives and activities of the past 12 months and to thank him for his continued support, both personally and as a Government, of the RCV and Melbourne’s Jewish community. It also allowed senior members of the Rabbinate to raise issues of concern to the religious leadership of Victoria’s Jewish community.

Premier Ted Baillieu and Rabbi Yaakov Glasman

“The Premier was highly receptive to the issue we raised on behalf of Victoria’s religious leadership, particularly in relation to the work we have done in conjunction with the Jewish Taskforce Against (JTAFV) Family Violence in learning how to appropriate respond to disclosures of family violence and sexual abuse” said RCV President Rabbi Yaakov Glasman. “We presented the Premier with a copy of the book recently launched by the JTAFV and he expressed his desire that other faith communities follow suit – it was very encouraging”.

A Dvar Torah was presented by Rabbi James Kennard followed by an overview by Rabbi Glasman of the RCV’s work in the past twelve months. RCV Vice President Rabbi Ralph Genende briefed Premier Baillieu on the important multifaith initiatives undertaken by the Rabbinate followed by an update from Rabbi Ian Goodhardt on the mental health first aid course he taught to member rabbis of the RCV. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks by Rabbi Avrohom Jacks for the Premier’s support of Israel and his opposition to the BDS campaign while Immediate Past President Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant presented the Premier with a gift on behalf of his colleagues.

“The RCV’s meeting with the Victorian Premier which began with Premier Bracks has now become a staple feature of the work the RCV does for the Jewish and indeed wider communities” Rabbi Glasman said “and it is testament to the high esteem in which political leaders from both sides of politics hold the religious leaders of our community. The Premier’s insight and knowledge of the activities of the RCV became evident on several occasions during the course of the meeting and he thanked the RCV for the role it is playing in providing religious, pastoral and professional support to the Jewish community.”

A book on Jewish wisdom was presented to the Premier, who responded by saying that he looks forward to the opportunity when he can quote from the book in his public arena.


One Response to “Premier meets rabbis”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    Good job, the need for ongoing professional devolopment and whatever it entails for those acting as agents for commonwealth performing marriage’s is mandatory for Civil Celebrants, members of Recognised Denominations should be included, as required by The Marriage Act.
    The Baptist Church are the only ones who have their quidelines on public record, including the monitoring of their ministers.
    I can’t believe it hasn’t already been in place.

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