Position vacant: Deputy Mayor at Waverley Council

October 27, 2023 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Sydney’s Waverley Council have passed a motion at an Extraordinary Council Meeting changing the term of the Deputy Mayor to be terminated on 13 September 2024 to 26 October 2023, effectively meaning the position is now vacant.

Over 100 members of the public attended the meeting

The former Deputy Mayor Councillor Ludovico Fabiono retains his elected position as a councillor.

“The role of Council is to represent our local community and we have a duty of care to reflect the aspirations of our local community” said the Council in a media release.

Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said following the meeting: “As the elected leader of Waverley, my unwavering focus is on ensuring the safety, resilience and harmony of our local community, which is home to people from around the world.

I am proud to represent a community that is committed to helping each other in times of need and showing compassion for our fellow citizens.

Waverley is home to a diverse community, and we stand united as a community to support each other during this difficult time.

As elected local government officials, our job is to serve the needs of our local community and ensure that our community feels safe and supported. This is the role of local government in Australia.”

Councillor Fabiono is one of two Greens councillors voted against a recent motion condemning the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas.

Cr Wy Kanak was also removed from a number of council committees, including the multicultural advisory committee.

Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council Director of Public Affairs Walt Secord described the removal of Greens’ Waverley Deputy Mayor Councillor Ludovico Fabiano as a “victory for people power” and formally congratulated Liberal councillor William Nemesh and Labor Councillor Steven Lewis for roles stripping him of his responsibilities.

“I congratulate Clr Nemesh and Clr Lewis for their leadership in removing Clr Fabiano; they did a fantastic public service,” Mr Secord, who attended the meeting, said.

Clr Fabiano was removed in a nine to two vote in a packed meeting with almost 100 members of the public.

Mr Secord said: “Councillor Fabiano had lost the support a significant section of the community after he voted last week against a resolution supporting the Jewish community.

“The Deputy mayor’s venture into international relations saw his support within the Jewish community evaporate. He no longer had the support of the community.”

Mr Secord also levelled harsh criticism for the two anti-Zionist Jews who spoke in the public section of the Waverley Council meeting. “Sadly, their only involvement in the Jewish community is to attack the Jewish community. The anti-Zionist Jews should hang their heads in shame for supporting Clr Fabiano and his colleague, Clr Dominic Wy Kanak, who also voted against the original resolution.”

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